- Morning Chit Chat -"Oh what in fucks name do you want?" A scowl rested on Octavia's lips as she opened the door to Luke's bedroom only to be met with the disgusting smirk of a dark haired boy and she was considering slamming said door right back in his face.
The night prior had turned into a blur the second the redhead had been handed the bottle of vodka. She danced with Luke, won a game of beer pong with Michael and guessed dialogue occurring between strangers with Ashton - things were a bit foggy after that, all Via knew was that she was waking up in her favourite blonde's bedroom to the racket of multiple bangs against the wooden door - bangs that miraculously hadn't woken Luke up, either that or he was purposely ignoring them which Octavia wished she had done.
Calum being the insufferable prick he is didn't respond straight away, letting his eyes scan the girls current state. Her hair was surprisingly neat for the fact it looked like she had slept with it down, she was missing two earrings from one ear and had small black smudges under her eyes if you looked close enough. On her body was a severe lack of clothing, one of Luke's flannels buttoned up half way and Cal could make out the black lace peaking from the top and the bottom from where it had fallen over her shoulder to reveal a strap and where she had missed a button just below her bellybutton when doing it up in her drunken state.
There was only one ring still on her finger and by looking over the girls shoulder, the boy could make out four of them resting on Luke's nightstand, it was difficult to see from the way the door had only been opened half way and Octavia was leaning against the door frame but being six foot was proving to be an incredible advantage for Calum right now.
"Sorry I was just looking for Luke." The sarcasm in Calum's tone was undeniable and Octavia found herself gripping tightly at the door handle to prevent her fist flying into his face. "You know my roommate, I wasn't expecting one of his whores to open the door." A taunting and mocking gasp slipped from his lips as the boy brought his hand up to hold his heart, enjoying the subtle grinding of her teeth and tightening of her jaw Octavia was partaking in.
"That's shocking. Still ticked off people won't sleep with you no matter how much money you offer them?." Octavia mocked the same gasp that had left Calum's lips with one of her own, lifting the corner of her lips as she watched his drop.
"Michael know you're sucking off his best mate?" Calum pushed eyeing her up and down as a frown settled on his lips, his blood boiling at the fact he was even speaking to her at all, let alone this early in the morning. Luke could've at least warned him he was having a bitch round, or put a sock on his door.
"Michael know you're fucking his ex?" Octavia crossed her arms over her chest, pulling up the flannel resting on her body as she did so, leaning more of her weight onto the door frame as she narrowed her eyes at the boy in front of her. Him and his shitty green hoodie. His shitty jeans and stupid fucking converse. His ratty ass unkept hair as well - it made the girl fucking sick to think that this was what had all the girls going crazy.
"I'm not." Calum scowled.
"Oh you so are." As if it couldn't get any worse, Luke decided to make his entrance, a yawn escaping his lips as he pushed the door to his room open further, slipping onto the side of the door frame and casually draping his arm over Octavia's shoulder pulling her closer. He was dressed very comfortably in his sweatpants with his boxer band poking out the top but god did he feel uncomfortable hearing the duo argue - he had the worst hangover headache and was avidly avoiding the knocks he had heard after waking up in an attempt to maintain some peace but he closed his eyes for two seconds and suddenly world war three was happening in his doorway.

❛ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥 ❜
Fanfiction𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐋 - ( ❛a visceral feeling, that I can never leave behind❜ ) 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 - december 25th 2022 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 - n/a