The library - Craig Jones x gender neutral reader

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Another bad day again. You were just so tired of everything, just people in general. You needed a quiet place to relax and clear your mind. You decided to go to the library since it was always a relaxed quite place where you can be happy. Reading always relaxed you.

• Time skip to library •

You walked into the library and kindly said hi to the librarian. You noticed that there was somebody where you usually sat, normally you would be upset that someone was in your space but you were intrigued. You got a bit excited because the guy in the spot looked very alternative with a metal band t shirt and black baggy jeans with a chain, there weren't many metal heads were you lived, hence why you were excited. Then you came back into reality and realized that you guys may not become friends, but why not at least try? He seems cool and interesting.

So you grabbed your favorite book and walked over to him. "Do ya mind if i sit here?" You questioned. He shook his head no. "Thanks" you replied sitting.

Minutes had passed with both of you barley reading and mostly stealing glances from each other. You decided to say something. "I-i like your shirt." You stuttered, god dammit screw social anxiety. "Thanks, i like yours too." He said pointing out your slayer shirt. "Whats your favorite song by them?" You asked starting conversation. "Um probably 'Postmortem'" (A/n: i don't listen to slayer so i looked up their songs and chose random songs off the list so yea) "Oh sick thats a good one, mine is probably 'Tormenter'" you said. He nodded. "You don't talk much, do you?" You questioned. He set down his book and faced you. "Im pretty quiet to new people." He said. "Well do you want to be friends?" You asked. "Sure!" He said with a small smile. "Okay! My name is y/n." "Im Craig." He replied. "What kind of other music do you like?" You asked getting to know him. "Umm i like a lot of rock, metal and heavy music like Black Sabbath, iron maiden, Panera, led zeppelin and more." Craig replied. "Thats so cool!! I like a lot of those bands too.

You and Craig talked for hours about music. At one point you guys even got kicked out of the library for being too loud so you guys went to a park to continue talking. You found out that Craig was in a band called "Slipknot" and he told you more about the band. There were 9 band members, it was a metal-rap type band, and they wore masks and jumpsuits. You found it interesting.

At the end of the night you guys had already become close. Before you left you and Craig exchanged phone numbers and he invited you to a gig his band was playing this weekend at a local venue.

You were so excited that you had a new friend and so was Craig!!

Ooh a new chapter!! I actually think i did pretty good on this chapter for once!! Let me know what you think.
Would anyone want a part 2 to this story of what happens at the concert?
Pls vote and comment!!
Peace out ❤️

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