Skating ~ Chino moreno x reader

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Today your boyfriend Chino said he has a surprise for you. You tried to get hints to what you guys were doing but you couldn't figure it out.

You got ready by putting on a little mascara (pun not intended) and your everyday clothes of baggy jeans, band tee, and sneakers. You were excited to finally see the surprise.

As soon as you were done getting ready chino knocked on your door to pick you up. "Hey!" You greeted. "Hey baby." He kissed you. "Ready to go?" He asked "mhm!" You nodded

•Time skip (cus idk what to write abt)•

Chino stopped the car and got out. He told you to wait inside. He returned to your side of the car with 2 skateboards and a picnic basket. He opened the door for you.

When you got out you realized you guys were at an abandoned skate park. It had uncontrolled plants and flowers growing everywhere and graffiti. In its own way it was absolutely beautiful.

"It's beautiful chino!" You said. He smiled and kissed you. "I always remembered you wanting to learn to skate, so I thought i would teach you. And the local park is always crowded." He explained and you simply smiled.

He grabbed the 2 boards and demonstrated how to get on them. After explaining and showing you a few things he asked "are you ready to try getting on?" You nodded unsure.

Chino helped you on and held your waist to keep you balanced. "I think I'm ready." You said after you stood on the board to gain balance.

Chino let go of you and you started skating slowly down the ramp gaining more speed. "Hell yeah y/n!" Chino shouted encouragingly. "AHHHHH HOW DO I STOPP?" You screamed.

"Shit." Chino muttered and ran after you. He was a bit too slow. You crashed into a wall and fell on the ground.

Chino finally caught up to you. "Shit. Are you okay y/n?" He asked concerned. "Ill be finee." You brushed it off. Chino still looked over you and banged your scuffed knee.

"Are you sure your okay? Do you still wanna skate?" He asked still concerned. You smiled at him. "Ill be fine." You kissed his cheek.

For the next few hours similar things continued until you started learning. Chino was patient with you and did his best to help.

You got the basics down and started learning some tricks. Chino was so proud of you.

You guys stopped skating when the sun started to set. Chino brought you over into the woods with the picnic basket.

He led you over to a small creek with a better view of the sun.

You cuddled together eating your food while reviewing your day with each other and explained how much fun you both had.

Chino was the best most caring boyfriend and you loved him.

~the end~

Yay that was it. It was pretty cute but kinda shitty and rushed. Anyways i hope u liked it.

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