Locked out ~ Chino Moreno x fem reader

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In this oneshot Y/n is the rhythm guitarist in deftones. The band is on tour and they stopped at a hotel for a night. Y/n got locked out of her room so she stays with what she thinks is her enemy: Chino. Yayayay this chapter is rlly cute there a lot of fluff no smut!! But its kinda inappropriate 😨

Y/n couldn't sleep again, she was stuck thinking about her enemy Chino. She and chino were in a band together so you would have thought they would be best friends, but wrong!

Y/n thinks Chino hates her and Chino thinks Y/n hates him. But thats the complete opposite. Both of them like each other a little more than friends. So they both distanced themselves away from each other to avoid ruining their (nonexistent) friendship.

To clear her head Y/n decided to go on a midnight walk outside of the hotel.

Meanwhile Chino couldn't sleep either. He was awake thinking about Y/n. About how her beautiful y/hc (your hair color) y/h/l (your hair length) hair gleamed In the sunlight. Her beautiful y/e/c (your eye color) eyes. And her unique kind personality.

He started writing songs to do something. Most of his songs were about Y/n. This usually happened, when Chino couldn't sleep he wrote songs about Y/n. He worked best at night. You could consider him a night owl.


It started to get cold outside and Y/n was finally ready to go to bed. She went back up to her room. When she was about to go in when she realized that she was locked out.

Reception was closed so she would have to wait to get a key. Y/n was just gonna ask Chi if she could stay with him but she heard loud moaning from his room. She clearly didn't wanna sleep there. She tried the others rooms but they were all asleep.

This was her last resort (papa roach ref?). She would have to stay with Chino or sleep on the ground outside. So she decided to try Chino, She knew he was awake because earlier when she walked by his room she heard his unique, recognizable voice.


Chinos work got interrupted by loud shuffling outside his door. Probably just another crazy fan stalking him. He thought. But when he opened the door to shoo them away a small girl fell on top of him knocking both of them on-to the ground.

"Wha-" "I'm so sorry chino!" He looked up at the girl and it was y/n. He started to get up while she explained. "I got locked out and there was no-where else to stay!" He helped her up and locked the door "yeah yeah. Its fine."

He slightly smiled to himself. He could have some fun with this opportunity. No no! He couldn't take advantage of y/n. He loved her to much to do that.

"So." Chino started unsure of what to say. "So." She responded.

After minutes of staring at each other in silence chino started. "Well do you wanna go to bed? Theres only 1 and I'm starting to get tired. I can take the couch."
"No! I mean yeah I'm ready for bed too, but couldn't we just like sleep together- i mean share the bed ya know?" Y/n said awkwardly and blushed.

Chino blushed too realizing that Y/n had thought of that. "Sure." Chino turned out the lights and They both went over to the bed and sat down next to each other. After more silence Y/n spoke up. "Why are you being so nice to me?". "What do you mean." Chino asked while discretely scooting closer to Y/n so that there legs were touching.

"I- you just usually act like you hate me. I thought you would have made me sleep outside, much less share a bed with you." Y/n explained. "Oh. Well i-i thought you hated me." He said. "Oh chino, i could never hate you." Y/n said laying down. Chino blushed and copied her actions.
"I-id like to be better friends. If not more."He whispered the last part.

Y/n heard him and smiled. They were so close together. Chino couldn't stand it and neither could y/n. Chino wrapped an arm around y/n and brought her closer onto his chest. It just felt natural.

Y/ns face heated up at his actions. Y/n fell asleep confused but more peaceful than normal and chino fell asleep with a smile on his face.


Y/n woke up around 9. She needed to get up so she could go get a new key. But, she had trouble getting up, realizing that chino was snuggled up against her chest with his arms wrapped around her.

She lightly kissed his head and smiled at what happened last night. "Chino, you gotta get up." She tapped his shoulder but he just groaned and hugged onto her tighter. "Chino!" She said shaking him. "No!" He shouted in protest. "I guess your not a morning person. But i gotta get back to my room. If the rest of the band sees us they might thi-" y/n got cut off by chino kissing her neck.

He started to suck. "Um!" She squeaked. Chino finally let go satisfied with the mark he left. Y/n looked at him with big eyes. "Wh-why did you do that?" She questioned. "I had to shut you up somehow." He said innocently with a smile.

He went back to his spot hugging y/n and they both fell asleep cuddling.

~The end~

This was so cute i luv Chino.
I might do a part 2 lemme know.


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