The gig - Craig jones x reader (part 2)

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Woo hoo part 2 is out now!!! This is a fluff/friendship story for now but pls let me know in the comments if u want a part 3 where craig and y/n date or just continue being friends. I hope u enjoy :D NO SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER!!

Craigs pov:
It was finally the weekend which meant our gig! I was obviously excited to play on stage but i was even more excited that y/n was going to come watch. They were my new friend who i was really interested in becoming better friends with. I hope that they show up and enjoy the show.

• Time skip to before the concert starts •

Everyone was backstage getting warmed up for the show. Meanwhile i was starting to panic, y/n hadnt shown up yet. What if they dont like me, what if they think the band is weird, what if they dont want to be friends, wha- My thoughts got cut off my paul coming over to check up on me. "You alright buddy?" He asked. I shrugged. Me and paul were pretty close so i was okay with talking to him.

I told him about y/n and about how i was nervous.

After i told him everything he nodded "Well i think they would let you know if they couldn't make it. And who knows they might just be late. But even if they don't show up don't stress it, will still rock out, weather their here or not." He reassured me. That definitely calmed me down.

I nodded my head "thanks man." "Anytime, anyways you ready to go on?" He asked. I nodded my head before putting my mask on.

We all ran out on the stage when we heard the opening parts of Sic playing. I looked in the audience and found no sign of y/n. But i didn't let that get me Down remembering Pauls words.


Y/ns pov:
Shit shit shit. I was late to Craigs concert! I took my time getting home from work/school and just now realized i was late. I quickly grabbed my wallet, keys, and a hoodie before rushing off to the local concert venue.

When i pulled up i could hear loud catchy metal music all the way from my car. I smiled realizing this was Craigs band which i knew was totally awesome just by hearing a tiny bit of it.

I ran in and pushed through the crowd to see closer. Kids everywhere were jumping around and moshing. The music was so different and unique in the best way possible, I couldn't help but to join in with the aggressive dancing. Not to mention the energy that came from everyone, it was crazy. I attempted to scream along to the lyrics because of how catchy the songs were, even though i had no clue what the lyrics were.

Craigs pov:
While playing in the middle of our set I noticed the huge doors in the back of the room open. Y/n showed up! I smiled. They pushed through the crowd closer to the stage. They waved to me while laughing and jumping around. I couldn't help but laugh, With my free hand i waved back. A bunch of people in the audience shouted in jealousy. I silently chuckled.

After the concert was over i went out into the crowd to find y/n. "OH MY GOD!" I heard someone shout. Y/n ran over to me. I laughed at how excited they were even though just an hour ago i was angry and nervous because of them.

"OH MY GOD CRAIG!! You never told me your band was this great! You guys were incredible!" They spoke excitedly. I smiled "well thanks. But the other guys are the most talented parts of the band" I spoke. "Hey, your plenty talented, sampling and keyboards are both really hard, and you crushed it out there." They said with a genuine smile. "Wait! You know what sampling is?!" I asked. "Yea I actually do sampling!"

•Narrative pov now!•

Y/n and Craig talked a while about sampling and other things about music. While they were taking about the band Craig offered "Do you wanna meet the band? Im sure their in the back hanging out."  "Hell yeah!" Y/n said.

Craig and y/n went to see the guys. Craig introduced them to everybody. They all became great friends and talked for hours.

"Oh shit." Y/n mumbled. "Hey whats wrong?" Craig asked sitting next to them. "I gotta go home" y/n said sadly. "Oh okay. Well do you wanna hang out again soon?" Craig asked. "Yeah of course!! Let me know when the next concert is and ill be there." Y/n said.


After y/n said all their goodbyes to their new friends they happily headed home already starting to miss the company of their new friends. They knew for sure that these people would be great friends in the future.

~the endd~

This story was really cute i hope you liked it.

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