The troublemaker

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In the gentle shower and darkness of night, while many may rest and rush to their home or confine themselves to the warmth of their houses, some were busy doing works unknown to all. This chilly night didn’t stop a few to lurk around and becoming the eyes of justice. 

A shadow moves and gets close to the border where the shipment was being checked. A heavy truck stops, several men jumping from it and checking around them and then smoothly covering up their tracks, a man walks out from the shadows and says something to them, the driver hands him the paper, both talking about the business while glancing around.

Not far from them another shadow watches them, takes several photos then hides, pressing something on the mobile the shadow vanishes. In the next second, a loud alarm rings making the people there curse and look around in panic. The papers that were being taken to sign were quickly thrown inside the truck and they hurriedly try to get in to get away but are surrounded by the guards with guns pointed at them. The culprits quickly kneel and surrender, the officer commands them to check the trucks and press move quickly to take photos, gasping as they see the goods.





Jin gets up early in the morning walking towards his dining he sees the news headlines on the front page written in bold as if shouting in his face “Omega trafficking: Is Solace corrupt or the mysterious ‘Umbra’ plotting against them” 

He stares at the picture where the group of pitiful omegas were tied up and sitting in a truck and police officers pull the culprits away, frowning he clicks his tongue, seeing yet another scandal related to omegas being trafficked. 

Disappointed with the people he pays no more attention to this news and opens the paper turning pages to what interests him the most, business columns. He without looking frees his hand and a cup is carefully handed to him in between his beautiful fingers by his butler with the aroma of black coffee rejuvenating his senses.

He elegantly sips his drink, his alpha pheromones showing happiness making the butler standing next to him smile in pride. He quickly places the boiled eggs, cutting them skilfully with a knife, and readies himself to feed if the master says so. 

Jin is the elder son, the handsome and elegant alpha, heir of the Kims Group. His father was still in health and age to manage the business but decided to pass it to his son seeing him ready to take over. He wanted to spend time with his wife and roam around the world. Jin took great care of the business from the time it was handed to him and whenever faced any problems his father would come and help him. Not interested in mating and marriage it was best suited for him.

A maid comes to them and informs them of the arrival of his assistant, Jin nods and tells her to let him inside. Namjoon on the orders walks inside, well dressed, tall, and handsome, young man, working by Jin’s side since the time Jin took over the business. He clears his throat and without a delay informs Jin of the important meetings he has for today. Jin nods still going through the paper.

Handling the biggest tech company of Gandok, his day passes by working. Jin uses this morning hour to relax and rest while reading the newspaper and magazines, having breakfast with his family if they are present, taking care of things at home, and planning for the day. Each minute is precious and devoted to some task.

Namjoon closes the tab, he straightens up, hesitates, and then speaks again “There is something I would like to have your attention to…it is about the young master.”

Jin for the first time looks up from the newspaper towards him. “Tae…?” Jin sighs internally “What did he do now?”

Taehyung is the younger brother of Jin, loved dearly by his parents and elder brother, and spoiled and free spirit. His father planned to send him to business school but he showed no interest and went to college to study arts and pass time with his friends and spend money here and there. Others might say he is a waste but to Kims, he is their beloved young one. They are possessive and could destroy anyone who tries to speak ill of their young child, thus, making people hesitate and shut their mouths not saying anything, still, whenever Taehyung causes trouble the complaints are sent to Jin to discipline his brother.

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