Unfamiliar sensibilities

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Taehyung patiently listens to the scolding of his brother. He sighs internally and diverts his attention to the pattern in the carpet, not knowing what else to do in this old and repeated situation. 

His brother has been lecturing him from the time he entered the house. It was his bad luck that as soon as he entered the house, he was caught by Jin. The scolding started from there onwards. 

His parents tried to calm Jin down, telling him that what matters is that Taehyung is alright, but Jin was not satisfied.

“You should know your position in society and act accordingly…” Jin was ranting while Gareth and Isa sat on the other side, knowing well their son wouldn't stop until he had taken out all his frustration. 

They were on the other side and talked about business as if this was a very normal occurrence for them. 

In Kim’s mansion, this thing was normal. Taehyung was always scolded like this by Jin. He was a troublemaker, and Jin had to listen to the elders asking him to look after his brother.

It is not like Gareth and Isa never tried to scold Taehyung discipline him or do their duties as parents. It was just that when Taehyung was young and did something to anger Isa. She punished him by standing near the wall until she asked him to move. 

Jin was not able to bear watching his brother punished like that, having tears in his eyes and being quiet. He looked so small and pitiful, and this made Jin beg his parents to leave Taehyung in his care and that he would take responsibility for disciplining his brother.

The parents were surprised and knew their elder son was very emotional when it came to Taehyung and said yes at that time just to please and calm him down.

They didn't expect Jin to be serious and look after Taehyung like this. They were proud as well as sorry for burdening their sons with this duty, but Jin found pride in his responsibility. 

The brothers share a very strong bond. No one in Gandok can say anything against Jin in front of Taehyung and vice versa. This is the love the two hold for each other.

Jin did a good job. He raised a good brother. He made his parents proud of them. Sometimes though, out of his nature, Taehyung causes trouble for himself and has to face the wrath of Jin.

Taehyung could do nothing but sit and listen to the scoldings and ask for forgiveness. He never talks back whenever Jin gets angry at him or raises his voice. He lets his brother scold him. He knows he makes Jin worried for him.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were also present there, silently watching the show. It was nothing new to any of them. They even learned a few scoldings that Jin gives each time. They too, like Gareth and Isa, were busy in their discussions.

In this late night, Kim’s mansion is lively.

Jin carries on. “A person needs to look after their safety before stepping out. I gave you bodyguards, but you denied….” Taehyung grimaces at the tone. The word bodyguards strikes the strings of his brain and leads him to his mate who also asked for the same.

He was only able to hear a few more words. His mind started to drift from the room to his mate.

The touch of the soft skin on his lips as he slowly moved them over the skin, pressing onto it.

The scent of his mate as they came closer and the warmth that spread through ignited the spark throughout Taehyung.

Taehyung shivers. His fingers reach his lips, wanting to get a touch of that feeling, and his mind gets clouded in thoughts.

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