The perilous trap

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Jeongguk peruses the document presented to him by his assistant with visible fatigue. A pattern of disappointment has been emerging over the past week. The document in question is yet another instance of this routine.

Jeongguk and his team have encountered significant obstacles in their efforts to make progress on the case. One of the primary challenges stems from the lack of communication from the miners involved in the project. 

Specifically, no contact was made with their families, nor have any updates been provided regarding their whereabouts or the conditions within the mine. 

This lack of information has hindered the team's ability to effectively investigate the matter and determine the appropriate course of action. 

Jeongguk has retained the services of a highly skilled detective and his associate to investigate the matter at hand. Maythan Park, a young man known for his exceptional abilities, has a proven track record of successfully resolving cases. By engaging Maythan's services, Jeongguk has demonstrated his commitment to fulfilling his obligations.

The detective met with individuals involved in the case and provided funding. The outcome was disappointing, revealing deceit. Some claimed memory loss, while others were distressed. The lack of transparency and honesty undermined the investigation and hampered the detective's search for truth.

Jeongguk was presented with a report that notified him of the investigation's fruitless outcome. Although he had anticipated such a result, the tangible realization of it was disheartening. He let out a sigh and rested his head on the chair, weighed down by the gravity of the situation.

He asks, "Have you taken care of the work I gave you?" Mr. Han quickly nods and replies with a "Yes".

“The work is underway. The detective and the experts are monitoring the situation. No media interference."

Jeongguk nods. Mr. Han retrieves a small piece of paper from his pocket and presents it to his boss, stating, “Mr. Park instructed me to deliver this to you exclusively.”

Jeongguk adopts an upright position and accepts the paper. He reads the ciphered content and exhibits a slight smile.

Upon pressing a button, a uniformed man promptly enters Jeongguk's office and renders a salute. Jeongguk hands him a file and instructs the officer, "Pass this file to the Colonel and direct him to adhere to the orders in my absence."

The man pauses briefly, blinks, and then bows in surprise. He salutes again and leaves.

Jeongguk announces to Mr. Han that they will be departing for Gandok. He stands up and Mr. Han follows suit, taking out his phone to make the necessary arrangements.

Jeongguk had anticipated a lack of progress in the investigation and had made plans to revisit the mine in Gandok. Due to some necessary preparations that needed to be made, Jeongguk had not previously initiated the excavation of the site. Nevertheless, he had decided to proceed with the excavation to potentially uncover new evidence.

Having been informed by Mr. Han that the excavation has undergone progress, it is the ripe time to visit the site in question. Jeongguk feels soured because Umbra appears to be ahead of them in this case, possessing a wealth of knowledge that Jeongguk and his team are unable to obtain. It is as if Umbra wields a kind of sorcery in this regard.

The accusations leveled against the Leader suggest that Umbra was aware of their position. Such allegations imply that the accusers have evidence to support their claims. Jeongguk, however, refrains from denying the possibility of a potential bluff. 

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