A reunion of hearts and shocked souls

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The Moon Goddess, in her transcendental form, sat gracefully on the crescent moon, her delicate figure leaning against its slender curve. Her flowing dress swayed gently with the rhythm of the moon's subtle movement, creating an ethereal vision that captivated the lower gods, ministers, and attendants gathered before her. 

The Minister of Affairs, beads of sweat forming on his brow, nervously recounted the potential repercussions of her actions.

“What you are planning could have dire consequences,” he warned, his voice edged with anxiety. “The true blood alpha is already wreaking havoc with the other alpha brother on the humans responsible for harming his mate. If we don't intervene soon, he may kill them all. We must act quickly, as planned.”

After Jeongguk and Taehyung were taken in for medical care, it took Jeongguk a full day to wake up. The moment he did, he insisted on keeping Taehyung in his house. 

Despite strong opposition from the Kim family, Jeongguk was adamant that Taehyung wouldn’t leave him like this. He insisted on waiting for his mate. 

Gareth and Isa eventually agreed but set a strict condition: they would wait only three days, after which the rites would have to be performed if Taehyung didn’t wake. 

Reluctantly, Jeongguk agreed and arranged for his doctor to care for Taehyung while he focused on investigating the circumstances that had led to Taehyung's current state. Jin extended his hand in teaming up to teach the culprits a lesson.

Jeongguk began meeting with Taehyung’s friends and tracking down the people who had conspired with Yeon to bring this tragic event to fruition while Jin assisted in the search being the eye of the Gandok. 

Jeongguk wasn’t in a hurry; instead, he wanted Yeon to feel the creeping terror of danger closing in on him before Jeongguk plunged him into complete darkness. 

His thirst for revenge was fierce. Jeongguk either stayed by Taehyung’s side, watching over him, or was out hunting down those who had played any role in causing Taehyung harm.

Jeongguk has spent the last two nights either reading a story to Taehyung or just watching him or sleeping on the chair next to him. People may call him crazy but his true blood alpha had hope that Taehyung is not gone or he himself would not have been breathing yet.

The auction house was demolished, and Jeongguk’s team relentlessly pursued its members, capturing those who tried to flee. The atmosphere in Gandok grew tense as if something was shifting, but the change was too subtle for anyone to identify clearly. 

Even reporters, despite writing articles on the mysterious events, were left clueless about many of the facts and the sudden disappearances of several high-profile figures. One of those missing, of course, was Taehyung, whose whereabouts were known only to the two families.

Jeongguk meticulously gathered all the information he could, carefully preparing to play his cards at the perfect moment. 

The Moon Goddess observed it all, yet remained unfazed, simply relaxing and humming to herself.

Her attention was seemingly elsewhere, dismissing his concerns with serene indifference. One of the attendants hesitated before adding, “This was destined to happen. Both must be sacrificed, or else no new mates will be born in the near future.”

The Minister silenced them with a sharp glare, urging them to hold their tongues.

This was an unprecedented event in the natural order, leaving the ministers perplexed about its potential consequences. They contemplated sacrificing Jeongguk as well to reset the balance and begin anew with fresh mates. 

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