The Opening Ceremony

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Kenzie was getting dressed up like a doll much to her annoyance, but as she liked her outfit she didn't complain.

Her stylist, Meredith, was practically bubbling with excitement. Mackenzie's dress was a pretty orange one with flowers, but in a beach style and her hair was divided into two simple braids that hung over her shoulders.

She was a bit confused why her stylist was going for such a cute little girl dress, as it did not fit the Quarter Quell, but Meredith wouldn't answer her.

Kenzie was quite excited nonetheless. She liked the opening ceremony, since she could meet the others. It was also the last day of peace. Kenzie liked the fact that she'd be able to enjoy it, before the training began.

Meredith caught Kenzie's attention by putting a hibiscus onto her head. She had shells drawn under her eyes, along with the other usual amount of makeup. She wore a pale pink lipstick with golden glitter on it, along with some jewelry. She especially liked the pearl necklace.

"You look perfect, honey." Meredith gushed, "When people see you I want them to think of the cute victor from the district with the beautiful beaches and they will."

Mackenzie thanked her and held the usual small talk. She didn't want to crush Meredith's hopes of having made a beautiful look for her and to be honest this was out of all the times she had gotten dressed up one of the better outfits, even if it seemed bizarre.

Meredith and her got along greatly, even if the stylist always seemed as if she had a lot of secrets. But maybe Meredith simply made a show out of being mysterious so she wouldn't be uninteresting like Kenzie was.

"Finnick is already outside, dear. You'll be going to your chariots soon, but you can converse with the other victors first if you hurry. Off you go."

She was nervous to converse with the other victors, except the ones she got along with greatly. However her excitement won over the nervousness so Kenzie nodded and exited the hall. She walked calmly but quickly. She definitely wanted to speak with Johanna, who was surprisingly a very good friend of hers. Their friendship was really opposites attract. Johanna was fierce where Kenzie was calm and Kenzie was kind where Johanna was rude.

In contrast to the other victors Kenzie didn't want to meet Katniss, she wanted to meet Peeta. She knew not to underestimate him. He seemed very smart, which she had noticed when he had teamed up with the careers to protect Katniss. The other victors thought their romance was an act thought of by Katniss, but Kenzie was sure it had been Peeta's idea.

Kenzie stepped into the daylight and her eyes wandered around. First she noticed Finnick's and her horses or rather the sugar stash, which was emptier than the rest. She shook her head fondly, knowing that Finnick probably took a majority of them to eat.

Then she noticed Peeta and made her way towards the victor, an excited smile spreading out on her face.


He spun around and gave her a polite smile, "Hello, Mackenzie."

"Please, call me Kenzie." She smiled warmly, "I prefer it."

He nodded politely, "You look lovely by the way."

Kenzie's smile widened slightly, while she thanked him, "Thank you, Peeta. You look quite handsome yourself."

He thanked her in return and they held a bit small talk in which he told her that he enjoyed painting. She asked a few questions about it and listened with great interest. Peeta agreed to show her a painting or just paint something for her the next day, which made her beam in delight. Afterwards she told him that she loved surfing, which he already knew.

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