The End

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The room was so dark that it took Kenzie what felt like an eternity to adjust her eyes to the darkness and another while to be sure that she had actually opened her eyes. As soon as soon her vision became sharp again and the people around her came into focus, so did the pain. In all honesty Kenzie hadn't thought she'd wake up again, at least not with those bites and the blood loss. She whimpered in pain and moved her hand up to touch her collarbone, but her hand was caught by Finnick.

"Oh, God," he spoke, his voice rough from crying. "I wasn't sure if you would wake up."

"What happened after I fainted?" Kenzie breathed, trying to look around.

She couldn't move a lot, but from what she could see she figured they were in some kind of cellar. It had no windows, only one entrance that were stairs leading up to a door, and there were various clothing racks. Kenzie herself was laying on a mattress, which was pretty soft, so it was likely that they were still in the Capitol.

"I carried you the rest of the way. Luckily Cressida knew of an ally of Plutarch's, whose cellar we are in right now. She is an old stylist called Tigris." Finnick filled her in. "I stitched you up and Katniss stopped your bleeding. Her and Gale are leaving to kill Snow any moment. Peeta, Cressida and Pollux are going to stay here with us."

"Can I see her please?" Kenzie asked softly.

She seemed so delicate to Finnick. After everything they had been through it was hard to see her that way. His wife reminded him of porcelain, so beautiful, so breakable.

"I'll get her, but you don't move." Finnick said, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

As he got up and hurried up the stairs, Kenzie closed her eyes and let her head softly hit the pillow again. She was already exhausted, but she wanted to say goodbye to her best friend and she didn't want her husband to worry. It already upset her how many hours he spent crying and fearing the worst.

The creaking of the door caused her to open her eyes, waiting impatiently for Katniss to sit down next to her.

"Kenzie!" the girl called, emitting an incredulous laugh of relief. "You had us worried."

"My apologies," Kenzie said teasingly.

Smiling up at Katniss, Kenzie tried to move up and wrap her in a hug, but the Everdeen girl wasn't having it, instead pushing her back down again.

"We are out of bandages, so move as little as possible," she said. "As soon as it's safe, Tigris will go and grab a first aid kit and then Finnick will change your bandages."

She leaned down and carefully hugged Kenzie then, making sure not to add any pressure to the woman's wounds.

"I need to go."

"I know," Mackenzie sighed. "When we meet again, it's going to be a different Panem."

"I hope we'll meet again. You're my best friend."

"You're lucky then." Kenzie chuckled, closing her eyes.

"She needs rest, Katniss." reminded Finnick the seventeen years old.

With her eyes closed she didn't see it, but she pictured Katniss nodding. She heard the door creak open and Gale's voice calling for Katniss.

After a few seconds she called after Katniss, fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Make your shot count." Kenzie exclaimed, a feeling of deep-rooted hatred shining through. Snow had caused years of horror, brutality and pain in Panem. He had ruined their lives and Kenzie wanted to see him burn for it.

The Name of the Game I Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now