The Wedding

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A few weeks later, Kenzie found herself sitting on a hovercraft next to Katniss. She had made incredible progress, so she had no troubles with handholding or hugging anymore — at least with Finnick. She was still apprehensive with kissing or anything beyond that, but somehow the kisses between her and her fiancé became more frequent now, which was convenient for Plutarch, who was organizing their wedding. Kenzie was happy about this, because not only did she get to marry the man she loved, what had never seemed possible due to his status in the Capitol, but it gave the people in District Thirteen something to celebrate and it showed the world that the rebels were still out there fighting and more importantly that they could still celebrate such special things.

Right now Kenzie and Katniss were flying over to the Mockingjay's old house in District Twelve, along with Sirius and Katniss' old prep team, looking for a nice wedding dress for Kenzie. As Katniss had informed her friend, the wedding dresses Cinna had designed for Katniss had been returned to the Capitol, but some of the dresses from Katniss' victory tour were still in a cupboard.

As they went inside Katniss lead them to a closet, not giving Kenzie a lot of time to look around the house. Once Katniss opened the closet everyone fell silent, because Cinna's presence was so strong in the flow of the fabrics. Then Octavia dropped to her knees, rubbed the hem of a skirt against her cheek and burst into tears.

"It's been so long," she gasped, "since I've seen anything so pretty."

Sirius nodded in agreement, his hands tracing over the fabric, while Kenzie put a comforting hand on Katniss' shoulder, if only for a short moment.

Despite reservations on Coin's side that it was too extravagant, and on Plutarch's side that it was too drab, the wedding was a smash hit. The three hundred lucky guests culled from Thirteen and the many refugees wore the everyday clothes, the decorations were made from autumn foliage, the music was provided by a choir of children accompanied by the lone fiddler who made it out of Twelve with his instrument. So it was simple, frugal by the Capitol's standards. It didn't matter because nothing could compete with the beauty of the couple. It wasn't about their burrowed finery — Kenzie wore a green silk dress Katniss had worn in District Five, Finnick one of Peeta's suits that they had altered — although the clothes were striking. Who could look past the radiant faces of two people who had been waiting for each other for far too long already?

Dalton, the cattle guy from Ten, conducted the ceremony, since it was similar to the one used in his district. But there were unique touches of District Four. A net woven from long grass that covered the couple during their vows, the touching of each other's lips with salt water, and the ancient wedding song, which likened marriage to a sea voyage.

After the kiss that sealed the union, the cheers, and a toast with apple cider, the fiddler stroke up a tune that turned every head from District Twelve, much to Kenzie's amusement. It seemed while they may had been the smallest, poorest district in Panem, they sure knew how to dance. Nothing had been officially scheduled at this point, but Plutarch, who was calling the propo from the control room, must've had his fingers crossed. Sure enough, Greasy Sae grabbed Gale by the hand and pulled him into the centre of the floor and faced off with him. People poured in to join them, forming two long lines. And the dancing began. Even Katniss joined in, happily dancing away with her sister. The people from District Twelve taught the guests from Thirteen the steps. Insisting on a special number for the bride and groom. Joined hands and made a giant, spinning circle where people showed off their footwork. Nothing silly, joyful, or fun had happened in so long. This could've gone on all night if not for the last event planned in Plutarch's propo.

Four people wheeled out a huge wedding cake from a side room. Most of the guests backed up, making way for this rarity, this dazzling creation with blue-green, white-tipped icing waves swimming with fish and sailboats, seals and sea flowers. Kenzie let out a gasp, clasping a hand over her mouth.

"This is wonderful." she remarked, her eyes tearing up slightly. She smiled brightly, while Finnick gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

As they got ready to eat the cake, Kenzie leaned close to her husband. Confirming what he had been thinking for a while now, she said, "It's getting too much."

He squeezed her hand reassuringly, whispering, "Only eating the cake is left, then we'll have some space. You're strong. Look at what you already achieved, love."

Mackenzie nodded, giving him another quick kiss, before turning to the cake. A few minutes later she found herself sitting next to Primrose and together they ate their pieces of cake, chatting about whatever came to their minds. Kenzie was observant, so the fact that Katniss had left as soon as she had seen the cake did not escape her. So before Prim would've ended up all alone Kenzie had decided to join her, besides Prim was an amazing human being. She was kind, supportive and smart, all traits Kenzie admired. It was honestly fun to talk with the young girl, her view of life simply being fresh and optimistic. Mackenzie could use optimism for sure.

A few weeks after her wedding, Kenzie found herself sitting in the dining hall with Finnick, Katniss, Gale, Delly and Johanna. Her husband was telling some ridiculous story about a sea turtle swimming off with his hat, which caused their little group to laugh, when suddenly Katniss momentarily choked on her gravy bread.

"Peeta!" greeted Delly. "It's so nice to see you out... and about."

Two large guards stood behind him. He held his tray awkwardly, balanced on his fingertips since his wrists were shackled with a short chain between them.

"What's with the fancy bracelets?" asked Johanna.

"I'm not quite trustworthy yet," replied Peeta. "I can't even sit here without your permission."

"Sure he can sit here. We're old friends," said Johanna, patting the space beside her. The guards nodded and Peeta took a seat. "Peeta, Kenzie and I had adjoining cells in the Capitol. We're very familiar with each other's screams or sobbing in Kenzie's case."

Kenzie, who was sat next to Johanna, covered her ears and rocked back and forth. Finnick shot Johanna an angry look as his arm encircled Kenzie.

"What? My head doctor says I'm not supposed to censor my thoughts. It's part of my therapy."

"Nearly makes me regret what I endured for you two." Kenzie muttered coldly, seeming as if she had exited this reality.

Hearing those words from Kenzie shocked everyone at this table, especially Johanna, who frowned slightly. As far as Kenzie was concerned she'd had it coming. Of course she felt remorse for what she had said, but Johanna shouldn't deal with her trauma in invalidating hers. Finnick murmured sweet things to her quietly, until she slowly removed her hands. Then there was a long silence while people pretended to eat.

"Kenzie," said Delly brightly. "did you know it was Peeta who decorated your wedding cake? Back home, his family ran the bakery and he did all the icing."

Kenzie cautiously looked across Johanna. "I suspected it actually. Thank you, Peeta. It was absolutely beautiful."

"My pleasure, Kenzie." replied Peeta, his voice holding a note of gentleness.

"If we're going to fit in that walk, we better go," Finnick told Kenzie. He arranged both of their trays so he could carry them in one hand and stroke her cheek with the other. "Good seeing you, Peeta."

"You be nice to her, Finnick. Or I might try and take her away from you."

Kenzie shifted uncomfortably, instinctively moving closer to Finnick.

"Oh, Peeta," Finnick said lightly. "Don't make me sorry I restarted your heart."

Then he lead Kenzie away, after the couple threw Katniss a concerned glance.

The Name of the Game I Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now