Chapter 1: The story

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Lena's POV

I sat on my bed stuck in deep thought beside my wife, Stef Adams Foster. I was 34 years old, married, and had 3 kids. Brandon was Stef's biological son from a previous marriage who was 16. Mariana and Jesus were adopted 6 years ago and are 15 and then there's Callie. She is 16. I got pregnant when I was 18 but my future career meant more to me. I had got accepted into a prestigious school and I did not want to drop out to care for a baby. I had signed away my  parental rights to my parents and let them have custody of my daughter. I talked to my parents every month but they never let me talk to Callie. They said it would confuse her. I have not spoken to them in 6 years. I knew Callie was in good hands but I wanted my baby back. Stef was still sound asleep next to me so I decided to go to the kitchen and call my parents. My hands were shaking but I dialed their number and waited for them to answer. The phone continued to ring and just as I was about to hang up I heard a man answer. "Hello" a voice rang out. That wasn't my father, it was Nate. "Hi, Nate? Can I talk to mom and dad please"? There was silence. "Lena I'm sorry, they passed away 6 years ago". I stared into space not believing what I was hearing. "Nate where the hell is Callie"? He took a deep breath and began speaking. "Mom and dad asked me to care for her when they were sick but I just couldn't do it. I had no desire to be a father. I put her into foster care. I am sorry Lena". I felt sick to my stomach. I hung up the phone throwing it across the room. I fell to the floor absolutely sobbing and couldn't believe what my brother had done. How could he put my daughter in the system? How could he do this to me?

Stef's POV

I woke up to Lena not beside me and I heard her talking in the kitchen. "Nate where the hell is Callie" I heard her ask. I knew the entire story of Callie and how guilty Lena has felt for the past 16 years. "Love what's wrong" I asked her sitting beside her. "My parents died 6 years ago and Callie has been in the foster system for the past 6 years. Nate couldn't care for her and placed her in the system. She is going to hate me if I go looking for her". I couldn't find the words to say and just held her. This was an utter shit show. The kids came downstairs looking concerned and I decided we needed to explain what was going on. "Come on babies sit down at the table let's talk" I said as I ushered them to the table. "Mama had a child when she was 18 years old and gave her to grandpa and grandma so she could continue her studies at school. They never Brought Callie around because we didn't want to cause confusion for you guys. Grandpa and grandma passed away 6 years ago and Nate, Lena's brother placed Callie into the system. We are going to look for her and bring her back into this house. I know this is a lot to understand but we are here to answer any questions". The kids sat in silence and all appeared to be in deep thought. "So you had a biological child and just gave her up to your parents and let her spend 6 years in foster care? What is wrong with you" Mariana shouted out. I for once was speechless. All the things we have taught the kids about sticking by family and protecting one another and Lena failed at this. She let her daughter end up in the foster system, something we would never do. I told the kids to go upstairs and leave us to talk. This was a horrible situation.

A/N: Thank you guys for this suggestion on the story! Let me know what you think and if you like it please!

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