Chapter ~ 4 🥀

26 8 14

~ Bikini shoot ~

You should laugh more, I like it when you laugh

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You should laugh more, I like it when you laugh."

What was I supposed to say to her? I've never been someone who was short of words, no matter what was said to me I always had a reply. So why is it that I'm at a loss of words right now?

"Okay." I smile back at her.

If I'm being honest I don't understand her anymore. How could a person change so drastically all of a sudden. At first I thought she was acting differently because she wanted something, but that doesn't make sense. I've never refused her anything before, our relationship is definitely not the best but she's still my wife and it's my responsibility to take care of her but aside from that Cora isn't someone that would pretend just to get something, she's straightforward and direct.

That is one of the reasons why I asked her to marry me. I was very aware of the fact that she had no feelings for me when she said yes to marrying me, neither did I when I asked her. We both had our reasons for this marriage, I knew that. I had to keep my mom off my back, she was always coming at me with complaints of how many of her friend's sons had gotten married and now they have cute little daughters in laws at home. You can't imagine how much work time I lost because of her. So of course I asked Cora to marry me when my mom set the both of us up on a blind date. All it took to make her happy was either money or jewelry, she really didn't care about anything or anyone but herself and I was okay with that because she wasn't getting in my way or being a nuisance, she didn't demand time or affection and I could tell what she was thinking by looking at her.

But now? She does things that you'd never think she'd do. She's being too polite, she never ate anything that wasn't considered a vegetable, but now she eats everything except vegetables, she even cooks and she lets Lily and John call her by first her name.

It doesn't make sense, none of it does. Was it wrong of me to think that I got married to a selfish, inconsiderate and self-centered woman who only agreed to get married to me in the first place because of my money?


A loud ear piercing scream woke me up, I looked to my side and Cora wasn't in bed.
I rushed out of bed to the bathroom, the moment I opened the door another scream left her mouth.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" She was on the verge of crying. . . She seems to be doing that a lot lately. I close the door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were naked. . . I heard your scream and got worried. You know you're not supposed to walk around in your state."

"Ugh! I can, I can't reach the towel! I need your help."

I push the door open again and she's lying flat on her stomach, seeing her like that made me smile involuntarily.

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