40•𝑀𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑋 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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As soon as our teacher blew onto the whistle,everyone including you and Mammon start digging for the items you need.

All you needed.Thankfully there were a few extras to use as an advantage as to which,you took the boat float.You knew for sure that it would not be able to hold both you and Mammon for long.

You quickly brought it to the side where the both of you decided to make it.

"Ok princess,take over" he handed over tapes and lots of bottle.

Mammon decided to flip over the boat as you start taping the bottle onto search side of the boat.It wasn't long until the boat is done as you still have left over bottles.

Everyone was handed the paddle stick so there was no need to worry on how to paddle.Thankfully,the time ended just in time.

"Okay everyone,stand with your partners and with your boats here in straight lines" the teacher instructed and we all followed.

Mammon had offered to carry the boat so you let him do it.You tried to insist carrying it with him but he declined.You couldn't find a inch of nervousness in you as you were confident you will find.For sure,since other used boxes as their support.

You good beside Mammon as he placed the boat on the water and suddenly a sight of surprise came which made you feel even more competitive.

Alisa and Raphael appeared as they smiled at us.Not wanting to be provoked,you decided to think positively as you got ready to seat on the boat.

"Alright take a seat now" you slowly made your way to the seat holding into the paddle stick as Mammon followed from behind.

Some students boat had already sunk before the race began which caused them to be out.

"We got this" Mammon leaned into your ear as he whispered.You nodded confidently feeling a rush of adrenaline running around your body.

"Ok ready...3...2...1 go!"

You started paddling as last as you could and to be in sync with Mammon as the bait started moving.You were too focused on the race that you didn't realize Raphael and Alisa catching up form behind.

The end of the race looking nearer than ever."Paddle faster" you added as the both of you faster your pace.You wouldn't be shock if Mammon was going over the limit as it was no difference to when he does in bed.

In a blink of eye,finally you've reached."Mammon  and Y/n in first place"  your teacher announced while the both of you got out to watch the others.

Raphael and Alisa's boat was slowly sinking but they managed to reach the end coming in 3rd.

You high fived Mammon happily as you'd suddenly feel confident.Our classmates cheering for us as we walked back towards them.

"Congratulations to the winners but right now,shall we change back into our uniforms?" The teacher suggested as some students whined.

Everyone was hoping to be able to jump into the pool to play but it was the opposite today.

"Goodjob captain" Mammon complimented while pushing you to his sides while walking ti the changing room.

"You too" you giggled nudging him before splitting ways to the bathroom.

The girls congratulating you while you took your clothes to the shower.You closed the door ignoring the chantings that surround the room as you start the shower with a hot bath.It felt nice as it hit your skin.It wasn't long when you suddenly heard loud noises.Thankfully,you were already dressing up so you quicken up to check what was happening as the noise never seem to lower down.

You dried your hair with the towel while stepping out of the shower to see girls crowding.

You decided not to mind it as you listened to what they were saying while putting your clothes in your locker.

"Do you think you can just steal every boy you see!"

After hearing a few mean words,you'd and to conclusion that this was more serious than you thought.

You decided to bland your self with the crowd as you watched what happened.Seemed like Alisa was being hanged by a few girls while she was in a towel.

"You know,you really deserve the slap Y/n gave you"one of them added while gripping into Alisa's hair while she sob under her.

You felt a sharp pain in your chest when you saw them start getting violent,you couldn't take bullying infront if people lightly.It's too humiliating.A part of you wanted to jsut go but you couldn't help it as you stepped out of the crowd towards the girls violently attacking Alisa.

"Stop" you stood infront if them as they paused."What?"

"I said stop or do you want me to give you the same treatment I gave Alisa" you threatened.You were gonna plan on doing that but this was just embarrassing.

It was easy as the girls whined as left leaving you and Alisa.You took a look at her as her lips were bleeding and her hair messed up as you lend her a hand.She hesitated at first but took it as she got up.

"You should get yourself cleaned up"you suggested as you turned to exist when she spoke.

"I'm sorry" you stopped in place but there was no way you are gonna what an apology in the bathroom.

"Save it for later.Get changed" you added as you walked out of the bathroom.

It seemed to look like the students have left as you jolted in shock when you see Mammon standing beside the wall.

"what took so long?"he questioned."Nothing,I just enjoyed my shower a little to much" you tried to brush it off.

"Anyways let's go back to class"you suggested as Mammon followed.

"We did so good today" you added while being clingy onto him.

"Obviously because we have Miss Y/n and Mr Mammon" he answered sarcastically as his chest pushed forward making him walk funny which made you giggle.

"Your funny" you said while nudging at him as you reached class.The girls were glaring at you but your don't mind since you have saved their asses from being told on and getting expelled.Afterall,you had sneakily took a video as evidence.

The both of you took your seats as Mammon start to notice their glares "why are they looking at you like that?" he questioned.You weren't planning on telling him in school so you brushed it off like you didn't know.Maybe cuz they weren't in their right minds.


(I'm not in my right mind either,I'm having a headache.alot of things happened.

•My school shoes weren't the same size and it's both only for right leg🤦‍♀️ (we bought it on Dec 3 and awhile ago only did we realize.)

•I replied with this "😂" emoji to my teachers farewell massage😭 on accident)

Tmr is school😔It time to fix my sleeping schedule.Anyways get ready for the next chapter 🤗

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒 (𝑀𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now