Chapter IV

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The same day

The sixth period bell chimed, signaling the start of math class. I took my seat, trying to focus as Mr. Henderson, our elderly math teacher, began explaining a complex theorem. However, my mind kept wandering, lost in thoughts about the earlier encounter with Ms. Essington and the mysterious smile she had given me.

"Stefania," Mr. Henderson's voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the classroom. I glanced up to see him looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. His well-trimmed beard and distinguished appearance contrasted with his slightly stern expression.

"Yes, Mr. Henderson?" I replied, feeling a pang of nervousness.

"Could you come up to the board and solve this equation for us?" he asked, pointing to a challenging math problem on the board.

Surprised at being called out, I hesitated for a moment, my heart racing. Panic started to set in, but I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I knew how to solve it. With a calm demeanor, I walked up to the board and began working through the problem.

As I wrote out the solution, Mr. Henderson watched intently. When I finished and turned around, I saw a faint hint of surprise on his face.

"Well done, Stefania," he said, nodding approvingly. "That's correct."

"Thank you, Mr. Henderson," I replied, relieved.

"However," he continued, his tone becoming more serious, "let's make sure to stay focused during class. School isn't a place to wander in your thoughts."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Henderson," I apologized sincerely, feeling a bit embarrassed.

The lesson continued, and I made sure to pay closer attention for the rest of class. As the bell rang to dismiss us, I gathered my books and started walking towards my next class when I heard someone calling my name.


I turned around and saw a tall, athletic boy with surfer-style hair jogging towards me. He had a friendly smile on his face as he reached me.

"Hey there," he greeted me warmly. "I'm Grayson Wood."

"Nice to meet you, Grayson," I replied, returning the introduction.

"That math problem in Mr. Henderson's class," Grayson said, his tone admiring, "that was impressive. Not many people could solve that."

"Thank you," I said, feeling a flush of pride.

Grayson grinned. "Hey, would you like to grab lunch with me in the next hour?"

Before I could respond, a voice interrupted us from behind with a sharpness that made me turn around quickly.

" Miss Rossi."

I recognized the voice instantly. It was Ms. Essington, her gaze fixed firmly on Grayson who said a quiet good morning to her.

Startled, I quickly replied, "Yes, Ms. Essington?"

Her piercing stare shifted to me. "Come with me, please," she instructed, her voice firm.

Grayson looked taken aback, but I nodded at him apologetically. "I'll catch up with you later, Grayson. It was a nice meeting you."

As I followed Ms. Essington down the hall, I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted her sudden intervention and what she wanted to talk to me about.


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