Author's Note

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Hello Guys!

It's a new version of ,,My mother's best friend". I have changed a bit of a plot and corrected few mistakes that were there.

For new readers...
This is my first book, it's a love story with some drama(enemies to lovers).
It is a wlw story!
English isn't my first language so correct me if you see any mistakes and forgive me. I am trying my best and still learning.
If you have any ideas for a plot or advices tell me, I am open to that!

I truly hope you will like it!
Show me your opinions about new chapters by leaving a comment. It motivates me a lot to be honest:) Of course leave a like too!

Hope you had a lovely day stranger!

[It is all fiction]


-> Catharine Essington, the 43-year-old principal of St. Peter's High School in Ruseville, is a formidable presence with a striking resemblance to Cate Blanchett. Her icy blue eyes and flawlessly styled blonde hair enhance her commanding demeanor. Known for her strict discipline, she runs the school with an iron fist, ensuring that rules are followed meticulously. Catharine's frequent, sarcastic remarks are as sharp as her tailored suits, keeping everyone on edge and on their best behavior. Despite her stern approach, she possesses an unexpected flirtatious charm, making her both feared and secretly admired by students and staff alike. Her unique blend of strictness, wit, and allure makes her an unforgettable leader at St. Peter's.

-> Stefania Rossi, at 18 years old, is a shy and reserved student, particularly around her new principal. However, she surprises others with her boldness when interacting with her mates. Stefania has a deep passion for history and is naturally intelligent, often eager to showcase her knowledge whenever the opportunity arises. Despite her introverted nature, she finds joy in playing football, where she can express herself freely on the field. Her diverse interests and contrasting personality traits make her a multifaceted and intriguing individual among her mates.

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