Chapter XV

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The party was in full swing when we arrived. The frat house stood out from a distance with its pulsating lights and a crowd spilling out into the yard. The music was loud enough to feel the bass thumping in my chest, and the unmistakable scent of weed and alcohol hung heavy in the air.

Emily had done an amazing job with my makeover. The short black dress she chose clung to my body in all the right places, and the cropped leather jacket gave me just the edge I needed. My lips were painted a bold red, and she'd worked magic with the eyeliner, making my eyes look intense, almost predatory. I felt like a different person—more confident, more daring. This was exactly the kind of night I needed.

We made our way inside, weaving through the crowd of people dancing, drinking, and talking over the pounding music. I could feel the buzz of energy around me, the kind that only comes from being young and a little reckless. Grayson and Emily were already deep in conversation with some other friends, so I drifted toward the makeshift dance floor, losing myself in the crowd and the beat.

A girl with short, spiky hair caught my eye. She was dancing in a way that was hypnotic, her body moving to the rhythm with an ease that drew me in. Her name was Charlie, and I found myself moving closer to her, the music guiding my steps. She saw me approaching and gave me a sly smile, pulling me into her orbit.

I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or just the wild energy of the night, but I felt bolder than usual. I started dancing with her, our bodies moving together in sync. It was electric—Charlie's hands on my hips, her breath hot against my ear as she whispered something I couldn't quite hear over the music. I laughed, feeling the alcohol buzz through my veins, and let my body move against hers, my head spinning with the beat. It was freeing, exhilarating.

At some point, the crowd cheered, and I realized how close we were, dancing in a way that was almost scandalous, but I didn't care. I felt alive, untouchable. Charlie leaned in closer, her lips brushing against my neck, and I found myself lost in the moment, enjoying the flirtation, the attention, the rush.

By 3 a.m., the alcohol had caught up with me. I stumbled my way through the house, trying to find the bathroom. I knocked on the door, but it was occupied, so I leaned against the wall, pulling out my phone to pass the time. My vision was blurry, and it took me a moment to focus. There were a few messages from Miss Essington:

**Miss Essington:**
*How's the party?*
*Don't get too drunk, Stefania.*

I rolled my eyes, smirking at the screen. Was she seriously checking up on me? I decided to text her back, but my fingers were clumsy, and before I realized it, I accidentally hit the call button. I panicked and hung up immediately, my heart racing. I stared at the phone, half expecting it to ring again, but it stayed silent.

The bathroom finally opened, and I slipped inside to freshen up. When I came out, the air felt too thick, too heavy, so I pushed my way to the backyard. The night air was cool against my flushed skin, and I sat down on the grass, taking deep breaths to steady myself.

A moment later, I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to see Charlie standing there, her smile bright in the dim light. "Hey," she said, sliding down to sit next to me. "You look like you needed a breather."

"Yeah," I replied, a bit breathless. "Needed some fresh air."

She laughed softly, and her hand lingered on my arm, her fingers brushing against my skin. "I don't blame you. It's crazy in there."

I smiled back, feeling the alcohol loosen my inhibitions. "So, Charlie, what's your story?"

She leaned in a little closer, her voice dropping to a flirtatious whisper. "I'm a first-year med student. And you?"

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