Chapter VI

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The next morning, I woke with a strange mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside me. I couldn't shake the image of Ms. Essington from my mind, a woman who seemed to effortlessly command every room she entered. Determined to push these thoughts aside, I went through my morning routine: a refreshing shower followed by carefully selecting an outfit—a tailored black pants and a zip hoodie over a slim-fit white top that felt comfortable yet polished.

Downstairs in the kitchen, I joined my mother for breakfast. We exchanged some casual conversation until she dropped a bombshell that left me momentarily stunned—she had invited Ms. Essington to dinner later that evening.

The morning sun filtered through my curtains, and I woke up with an unusual lightness in my heart. Despite my cheerful mood, one thought dominated my mind: Miss Essington. I couldn't shake her image from my head, and it troubled me. Determined to distract myself, I headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. The warm water soothed me, and soon I was dressed in a pair of tailored black pants and a zip-up hoodie over a white slim-fit top that showed just a bit of my toned midriff.

Descending the stairs, I joined my mother for breakfast. We chatted about our plans for the day until she casually mentioned, "Oh, by the way, I've invited Miss Essington for dinner tonight after school."

My heart skipped a beat. "Miss Essington? Here? Tonight?"

My initial reaction was a mix of shock and curiosity. The idea of seeing Ms. Essington outside the confines of school, in a more personal setting, intrigued me more than I cared to admit. I quickly masked any signs of apprehension.

"Yes," my mother replied with a smile. "I thought it would be nice to hang out after all of this years, after all she was my best friend back then."

A mix of excitement and nervousness swirled inside me again . I tried to mask my emotions and simply said, "Thank you, Mom."


At school, I spotted Grayson in the hallway, chatting animatedly with a girl. As I approached, Grayson called out, "Hey Stef! Come meet my girlfriend."

I walked over, and Grayson introduced me to the brunette with light eyes. "This is Emily," he said. Emily had a nerdy charm that I found beautiful. We exchanged pleasantries, and I found myself liking Emily instantly.

The bell rang, signaling the start of classes. As we parted ways, Grayson jogged up to me. "Oh, by the way, Miss Essington wants to see you after the third period. Something about sports, but I don't know the details."

"Thanks for the heads-up, Grayson," I replied, my mind already racing with possibilities.

Math class was uneventful but challenging. My teacher, as usual, tried to stump me with difficult problems, but I handled them with ease. I suspected he was trying to make me fail, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

After the third lesson, which was history, Ms. Anna, our passionate and kind history teacher, asked me to stay behind. "Would you like to participate in a history competition next month? It's about World War II and I heard a lot of good things about your passion for it from headmistress so how about give it a shot?"

My eyes lit up. "I'd love to, Ms. Anna. Thank you for the opportunity."

With a quick glance at the clock, I realized it was time for my meeting with Miss Essington. I jogged to the headmistress's office, my heart pounding. I knocked on the door, and a firm voice replied, "Come in."

Opening the door, I stepped inside. "I'm sorry for being late," I began.

Miss Essington looked up from her paperwork, her eyes piercing. "I do not tolerate tardiness, Miss Rossi. Next time, be on time, or there will be consequences." A smirk played on her lips.

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