Chapter Four: Closing Night and Dress Rehearsals

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"Are you ready for closing night?" Corey asked me from the other end of my dressing room. Over the past few months, when Corey was staying in my apartment, the two of us had become really close. He was like an older brother to me.

"I don't know," I told him honestly. "I don't know if I'm ready for it to end. This show has meant so much to me. It's given me a home, a family. I'm not sure I'm ready to be done with it."

Corey responded, "I get that. I may not have been here as long as you have, but as soon as I got here, I felt so welcome. Like I belong. But at least you get to go on tour."

I chuckled. "Yeah, but I'm really gonna miss you guys."

"5 minute call! This is your 5 minute call!" Mr. Calhoun yelled over the P.A.

"Thank you, 5," Corey and I exclaimed.

"I should probably get out so you can finish getting your costume on," Corey sighed.

"Probably," I nodded.

In just 2 months, I would be leaving for the Newsies national tour as Katherine. I had been going to rehearsals for a few months, but I hadn't gotten to all of them due to my shows here at the Nederlander.


"Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic, plainspoken, know-nothing, cocky little son of a - lie down with dogs and you wake up with a raise and a promotion," I sang. "So, he's a flirt, a complete egomaniac, the fact is he's also the face of the strike, what a face- face the fact, that's a face that could save us all from sinking in the ocean! Like someone said, power tends to corrupt and absolute power wait-wait corrupts absolutely! That is genius! But give me some time, I'll be twice as good as that, 6 months from- never... Just look around at the world we're inheriting and think of the one we'll create! They're mistake is they got old, that is not a mistake we'll be making, no sir, we'll stay young forever!"


After bows, I ran off the stage, into my dressing room. I quickly changed into my street clothes and undid my pin curls before heading out towards the stage door. Corey was waiting for me, as usual, and so together, we stepped out to see the fans.

Upon seeing us, the fansies went wild, cheering, screaming, filming.

I went down the line, signing autographs and taking pictures, until I got to one group of boys who caught my attention.

"Josh! Sky! Ben! Chaz! Iain! Anthony! Anthony! Vincent! Dan! Zachary! Everybody else! Hey you guys!" I exclaimed, walking over to them. "I can't believe you came!"

"Of course we came!" Josh responded. "We had to see you perform before we start tour in two months, and this was our last chance."

"Aw, thanks Joshie!" I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"You did so great!" Anthony R. exclaimed.

"Thank you," I replied.

Corey came over and put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, Lissy. Who are these guys?"

"Corey, these are the guys who'll be coming with me on tour," I told him.

"Ah," He sighed understandingly. "Watch out for her boys."

"We will sir," Ben nodded.

Corey chuckled. "No need to be so formal! Just call me Corey."


I ran into the theater, nearly late.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I exclaimed.

"We can see that," Ben chuckled.

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