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*Raven POV*

I said way too much..

"Are you sure you are feeling okay, I'm hoping the vaccine didn't have a bad side effect!" Bianca says, with genuine worry in her eyes.

Man, I had just met her and she would already risk everything for me..

"I probably am just having a-"

No. I shouldn't lie..

I don't know what to say, should I lie or tell the truth, not the full version but just enough for her to know. Something.

Am I really going to risk everything just to tell her?

She would.. I think.


I'll just lie..
I'm sorry Bianca.

"Yeah, just a small reaction." I say.

"We should go get that checked out!" Bianca says as she grabs my arm.

"Uhm I'm fine." I say as I remove my hand from her grip.

She stares at me with her bright brown eyes with a look that looked similar to what Starfire would do when I didn't go to the mall with her.

"That's someone who isn't fine would say!" She mutters.

"Bianca, please just wait a little longer to deliver the serum." I say.

"But, they want it as soon as possible! Before some certain people get here. I honestly don't know what 'people' they are talking about!" Bianca says.

"These people are the good people, the people who are ordering the serum are very very bad and we must get out of here or just not give them what they want!" I say.

"H-how.. what?! Crow, I don't know what this vaccine is doing to you!" Bianca says.


"We really shouldn't interrupt their argument." I say.

"But- but!"

"No, Bianca. Please trust me!" I say as I grab her hands and hold them in a reassuring position.

"Fine.." Bianca says.

"Thank you. Bianca." I say.

A thought springs into my head..

Should I ..

"Bianca." I say as she starts to leave?

"What?" She asks.

"Can you promise me something.?" I ask.

"Erm. Fine. What is it?" She asks.

"Please. Promise me that you will trust me, and be my friend, no matter what happens." I say.

"Oh? Of course, Crow!" Bianca responds with a hug.

"Thank you, we should go now, please give me the serum." I say.

Bianca pours it into a tiny syringe without the needle and gives it to me and I slide it into one of my pockets.

"Before we go, is there enough ingredients for them to create another serum?" I ask.

"No. This is the only one they could make. They chose me to make it, whitch seems so weird." Bianca says.

"That's good." I say as we leave the room.

"We should go to the.. uhm." Bianca says as she thinks of where we should head.

"Ah! We could head to the mechanic, maybe they could help you with your.. problem." She says as she points at my wrists.

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