heart to heart

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info: you have graduated from Nevermore and, as you were packing your things to leave, someone comes to visit you.

fluff - tw/cw - crying ):

italics(𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸) are your thoughts!

i exhaled in emptiness as i opened my wardrobe and began by removing my socks. placing them compactly into my suitcase, i turned again and repeated this but with each item of clothing. this was all just a distraction, however. people had offered to help me pack my things. but i rejected their offers. 𝘪 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴. this was so hard for me. i had been going to this school for many years. it was my home now. and honestly, i am not ready to leave. i felt tears pricking my eyes and my chin shaking with sadness as i looked down, letting out a sob in defeat. i had made so many new friends here. so many friends that i would never forget and would continue to be friends with for all of my life. 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦. i had also made many memories here. the good ones and the bad ones too, but all of them were still special to me. but what i was going to miss most of all, was her.

i never aimed to find love when i got here. i was a lone wolf, and wanted to keep it that way. that was until i met marilyn. she instantly struck me as different at first sight. and i got this indescribable sensation when i spoke to her for the very first time. she is so beautiful, inside and out. and before i knew it, we fell in love. i had never known a person as much as i knew marilyn. i could truthfully say that i knew more about her than she knew about herself. and this caused us to be inseparable. people were hesitant at first. and i can't blame them. she was my teacher, after all. and she was a lot older than me. but love is love, am i right? we didn't let other people's opinions get in our way. we kept reassuring each other that we were okay and not to let others get to us. and that's how we got this far. it was stupid to be sad about this. yes, i won't see her as often. but it's not like one of us has died. as i thought this, i flinched at light knocking at my door.

my body turned and i sniffled, rushing to hide my crying as marilyn stood by the door. she seemed to smile in pity as she walked over and wrapped her hands around my waist from behind. then she kissed my neck as my hands landed on her arms. her soft voice was the only sound in my lifeless dorm. "i know it's not easy, but we're gonna be fine." i nodded my head desperately and wiped away my falling tears. she rocked us side to side as she gently peppered my jaw with kisses. i laughed and spoke, slightly louder than she had. "hey! that tickles!" i split from her as i laughed and she seemed to mimic me. i jumped on my bed, closing my eyes as my head hit the pillow. i soon smiled as the bed sunk more and i felt her straddle my waist. i chuckled lowly and peaked one eye open, looking at her as she leaned down to me. "now you can't move." she carefully took my wrists and pinned them above my head. then she leaned down fully and kissed my starved lips. her lips moved in sync with mine, the sweet taste of cherries and vanilla hit my taste buds. i hummed as she smiled into the kiss. then she pulled away and looked into my eyes, tucking some hair behind my ear.

she laid down next to me and laid her head on my arm which snaked around her. i heard her exhale as her body relaxed and applied more pressure on me. i smiled while glancing down at her resting face. her smile was non-existent as her lips were distorted as they pressed against me. her hair was diagonal as she laid sideways on me. to shock her, i leaned forwards and kissed the tip of her nose. she peeled her eyes open and looked at me cutely. i laughed and got out of my bed as she remained resting on the pillow, her eyes open as she watched me. i continued packing my things into my giant suitcase. "you know, i could probably fit in that suitcase." she sat up and shuffled to the edge of my bed, a smirk on her lips. i chuckled and walked to her, as she wrapped her legs around the back of my knees. i cupped her face and kissed her lips sweetly. when i pulled away, i spoke gently to her. "i would love to bring you with me, but what would we do when i get to college? where would you stay?" i leaned back to admire her expression, my hands still cupping her soft cheeks. she seemed to take a deep breath in thought before she looked to my eyes and spoke quietly. "i could sleep under the stairs? or maybe under your bed?" i laughed and pecked her lips continuously, then i spoke. "so what? you're the boogeyman now?" she laughed at this and i stopped kissing her, walking back to my suitcase.


marilyn walked over and handed me the last item from my closet. we had already packed everything, but it took longer than i initially planned as we spent most of the time taking and kissing. i stuffed the item into my suitcase and zipped it fully, pulling the handle out and standing it on the old floorboards. then i turned to marilyn and wrapped my arms loosely around her waist. she whimpered as tears fell from her hazel orbs. i pouted and cupped her face, wiping her tears with my thumbs. "don't cry angel, we will still see each other all the time. and on breaks, we will spend every second together. i promise you that one thing." she nodded as her red eyes released more hot tears. then she seemed to fully break down as she hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder. i slowly hugged her back as the tears fell from my eyes before i even knew they were there. all i could do was stroke her hair and whisper into the top of her head as tears fell. "i love you. i am going to miss you endlessly." she sobbed and nodded into my shoulder as i rocked us. and there we stood. in my dorm which once had so much life, but was now desolate and loveless.

a/n - so, here it is. my final chapter. i hope you all enjoyed for a final time. it was my absolute pleasure to write for you all and bring you all the content you wanted. thank you so so much for all the love, friendships and support that i got from all of this book. i have had such a good time talking to you all and making friends that will last forever. for the last time, have a good day/night, i love you <3

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