Part 5

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          THOR and IRON MAN CRASH into the forest. Thor rolls himself up.
          IRON MAN is still standing, but keeps his distance. The helmet
          opens up.

           Do not touch me again!

           Then don't take my stuff.

"I'm not your stuff Tony" Loki said, tony just shrugged.

           You have no idea what you're dealing with.

           Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother
           know you weareth her drapes?

Everyone that knows Shakespeare was laughing Tony was proud of his self.

           This is beyond you, metal man. Loki
           will face Asgardian justice!

           He gives up the Cube, he's all yours.
           Until then, stay out of my way...

          The IRON MAN helmet clamps up and he walks away. In one quick
          move, Thor pulls Mj�lnir, throws it, and KNOCKS IRON MAN clear
          across into a tree.



          From the mountain side, Loki watches in amusement. Thor raises
          his hand. Mj�lnir flies back to his hand. Thor SWINGS the
          hammer, summoning a ray of energy.
          IRON MAN stands up and from his HAND BOOSTERS, a BLAST of ENERGY
          KNOCKS the MIGHTY AVENGER on his ass. IRON MAN flies back up and
          knocks Thor into a tree. Right back at you, bitch!
          Thor, kneeling on the ground, pulls Mj�lnir to his hand, raises
          it to the skies and pulls in LIGHTING and THUNDER! Thor points
          the hammer at IRON MAN and the outpouring of bolts lighting
          increases in intensity. IRON MAN falls back.


           Power at 400% capacity.

"How is that possible" Hermione questioned

           How about that?

          IRON MAN FIRES AWAY FROM HIS HAND BOOSTERS, pushing Thor to his
          knees. Like two gunslingers ready to draw, both Thor and IRON
          MAN fly towards each other and meet in the middle and ascend up.

          EXT. SKY � NIGHT

          The two battle. IRON MAN grasps THOR, elbowing him and SMASHING
          him into the side of a mountain.
          THOR LEAPS off the mountain and takes IRON MAN with him.


          THOR and IRON MAN crash right back down, smashing down every
          tree possible. IRON MAN YANKS Thor right up. Thor grabs both
          HANDS BOOSTERS and begins to CRUSH them. Tony quickly CHARGES as
          much energy as he can and SHOOTS ENERGY in Thor's face.
          Thor FALLS back, losing his stance. IRON MAN HEADBUTTS Thor,
          with his gold-titanium alloy helmet. Thor... HEADBUTTS him with
          his fuckin' head and actually sends IRON MAN across the forest.
          IRON MAN boosters up and flies back at Thor, grabbing him by the
          arm and cape and SWINGS him into another tree. Thor looks up,
          ready. Thor runs with all his patience out the window. IRON MAN
          SWINGS and MISSES, giving Thor the momentum to grab him, lift
          him and SMASH him down hard.
          Thor summons back Mj�lnir to his hand. Just as he's about to put
          the hammer down, IRON MAN uses his HAND BOOSTERS to SKID across
          the ground and trip Thor over. Standing up, Thor looks for him,
          but from behind him, IRON MAN CRASHES into his back. Thor stands
          facing IRON MAN. Ready to pounce...
          CAPTAIN AMERICA'S shield RICOCHETS off both Thor and IRON MAN,
          stopping them. They look up and see CAPTAIN AMERICA standing on
          top of a fallen tree with the shield back in hand.

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