Part 3

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[after jumping out the jet Steve dives into the ocean and then climbs onto the ship, he then beats everyone on the deck swiftly before anyone raises the alarm when he's interrupted by one of the pirates pointing his gun at him]

French Pirate #1: Bouge pas! Bouge pas. (Don't move! Don't move.)

[he's shot dead by Rumlow as he parachutes down onto the deck behind Steve]

Steve Rogers: Thanks.

Brock Rumlow: Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me.

[Nyx and another agent parachute down onto the deck to join them]

Nyx Romanoff: What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.

Really mom trying to find him a date while fighting Iris says I was multitasking sweetie Nyx told her daughter she is always been that way Clint said Lucius chuckled

Steve Rogers: Secure the engine room, then find me a date.

Nyx Romanoff: I'm multitasking.

(Nyx Jumps down to the lower deck)

[below deck we see the pirates are holding the ship's crew, including Sitwell, hostage]

French Pirate #1: J'ai dit à Batroc que si on veut que le SHIELD nous paye, commence à leur envoyer des corps maintenant ! ([subtitled] I said to Batroc, if we want SHIELD to pay, we have to start sending them bodies now!) [to the hostages]. Une balle pour quelqu'un ([subtitled] I have a bullet for someone). [shouting in English] You want a bullet in your head?! T'en veux une. Hein ! (Do you want one? Eh?) [he kicks one of the hostage's leg]. Bouge ton pied. Tu veux une balle dans la tête ? ([subtitled] Move your leg. Want a bullet in your head?)

[meanwhile on the deck Steve moves quickly to find the hostages; in the control room]

Georges Batroc: J'aime pas attendre. Appelle Durand. Je veux que l'on s'arrache dès que la ranson arrive. ([subtitled] I do not like to wait. Call Durand. I want the ship ready to move when the ransom arrives.)

French Pirate: Oui, Batroc ([subtitled] Yes, Batroc.)

[he makes the call]

French Pirate: Durand. Démarre le moteur.([subtitled] Durand. Start the engine.)

Durand: Okay.

[Durand puts the phone down, turns and sees Nyx behind him]

Nyx Romanoff: Hey, sailor.

The avengers Chuckled Lucius shook his head you never change chuckles she smiles at him

[she quickly knocks him down and manages to swing down below deck shooting several of the pirates on the way]

[to one of the hostages]

French Pirate: Ferme ta gueule ! ([subtitled] Shut up.)

French Pirate #1: Bouge pas toi ! Mais qu'est ce qui se passe ! Tu veux jouer les héros, c'est ça ! T'as pas intérêt ! ([subtitled] You don't move! But what's this? Want to play hero, is that it? You'd better not! )

[he looks at the hostages who keep their heads down]

French Pirate #1: Bon, j'ai trop attendu là. ([subtitled] Well, I've waited long enough.)

[he goes over to the locked door and bangs on it to get the attention of the pirate guarding outside]

French Pirate #1: Hé, trouve Batroc, si j'ai pas de nouvelles dans deux minutes, je commence à les tuer. ([subtitled] Hey, look for Batroc. If I do not hear anything in two minutes, I'll start to kill them!)

French Pirate #2: D'accord. Je vais le chercher ! ([subtitled] Okay. I'll find him!)

[as the pirate turns to leave Rumlow, who's standing behind him with a stun gun, shoots him, on the other side of the door the other pirate senses something but dismisses it]

French Pirate #1: Deux minutes. ([subtitled] Two minutes.)

[we see Rumlow and another STRIKE Agent places a bomb on the locked door]

[in the control room]

French Pirate: Silence radio du SHIELD, Batroc. ([subtitled] Radio silence from SHIELD, Batroc.)

[Steve watches them from the deck, we see another STRIKE agent getting in position]

STRIKE Agent: Targets acquired.

[below deck Rumlow points his gun at the bomb placed against door where the hostages are being kept]

Brock Rumlow: STRIKE in position.

[into his radio]

Steve Rogers: Nyx, what's your status?

[we see Nyx jumping down below deck to knock out one of the pirates]

Steve Rogers: Status, Nyx?

Could you just Hang on Iris says

Nyx Romanoff: Hang on!

Iris turn red and giggled

[as the pirate attacks her she quickly knocks him out; into her radio]

Nyx Romanoff: Engine room secure.

[Nyx grabs a pipe from the ground and knocks out one of the pirates]

That was hot Bruce Lucius and Bucky thought

French Pirate #1: Le temps est écoulé. Qui veut mourrir en premier. Hé toi ! Prend la fille. [subtitled] Time's up. Who wants to die first? [to one of his men] Hey, you! Take the girl.

[into his radio]

Steve Rogers: On my mark. Three. Two. One.

[the STRIKE team start shooting at the pirates, blow open the door and Rumlow quickly kills the head pirate]

Jasper Sitwell: I told you, SHIELD doesn't negotiate.

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