Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning and am promptly greeted with an avalanche of humiliating memories flashing through my head and refusing to disappear. The series of events is so absurd I actually have to think for a while checking that some memories aren't just the withered remains of some crazy dream... nope I actually met Ollie Daniels.

Okay so he wasn't exactly chivalrous and when I say ‘wasn't exactly chivalrous’ I mean, and let's be honest, he was a bit of a prat. It's strange, we idolise these people and expect them to be gods and immune to mistakes but when you actually meet them, they turn out to be inconsiderate and not at all what you imagined they would be like. It’s sort of a let down, however I suppose it’s naïve to assume they’re perfect. But the fact remains I still met a film star! Uh... wait and I lost the intern-ship as well. I was kind of hoping that one was just a horrible, horrible dream.

My stomach churns as I replay that memory through my head. Why couldn’t I have forgotten about that one? Now I’m going to have to tell everyone I didn’t get it… and my mother. I haven’t even thought about having to tell Mum about it.

When I got home yesterday I had a pretty miserable night. Why don't a relay a few of the highlights?

5:00- I finally got home.

5:00:05- I remembered Emmie, my best friend/room-mate, was on a date straight after work so she wouldn't be home until late. I was miserable and had no one to cheer me up, or even just listen to me moan for a bit.

6:00- I cooked my microwave spaghetti bolagnase for one (depressing I know but it was accompanied by garlic bread and wine so I won’t complain.)

6:05- I decided to be a dare devil and eat my dinner on the couch despite the fact that Emmie would kill me if she ever found out. What's the worse that could happen?

6:12- I began scrubbing away at the huge glob of bolagnase sauce on a cushion. A cream cushion.

6:25- I gave up with the scrubbing and just placed the cushion face down, I hope Emmie doesn't notice, which she will of course but hey-ho. I then proceeded to mope around in self pity accompanied by the only two men in my life who go by the names of Ben and Jerry whilst making my way through my F.R.I.E.N.D.S box set.

9:00- I got fed up and then just went to bed... aren't I the party animal?

I gingerly stumble out of bed and make my way to the kitchen.

“Hey Izzie,” Emmie says. She has just stepped through the door after her morning jog, cheeks flushed pink with wisps of her hair falling out of her ponytail and still looking like a model. That's Emmie for you tall, stick thin but still curvy, golden blonde hair and shining hazel eyes. She should have been a model but Emmie is too smart for that, no instead she has a placement at one of the biggest law firms in the country already. Annoyingly perfect I know but she gets away with it with her unrelenting friendliness and consequent immunity to people thinking bad things about her.

“How was the date?” I ask putting a piece of bread in the toaster then hunting the fridge for the orange juice.

“Awful, he was too smarmy,” she mutters in disgust. “Shit! Izzie I totally forgot did you get the intern-ship?” she asks suddenly dropping everything and flying across the flat to me. Awkward. I run my hands through my hair and then slowly as if unwilling to admit it to myself shake my head. Emmie immediately pulls me into a hug.

“I'm so sorry Iz, you completely deserved it! Those guys are total idiots! I can't believe you didn't get it.” It’s kind of her to be so supporting but her words don’t do much to make me feel better.

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