Chapter 15

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Even after our talk things between Ollie and I are undeniably stale and awkward. We still can barely look each other in the eye for five seconds without having the awful reminder that we have in fact kissed each other. Awful for him out of embarrassment he kissed someone so beneath him I suppose; awkward for me because I thought I stood a chance. Therefore we just don't look at each other. We're civil to each other and actually we are getting on. But that's what's weird. Usually if you put us in the same room for more than five seconds we end up in a squabble. Now it’s gone, the light-hearted teasing, the banter, in essence everything our entire relationship was built on is now gone. I kind of miss it. Arguing between Ollie and I was never actually serious we just had this weird connection where arguments were exciting and fiery not hurtful and cruel. Arguing with him gave me some control back into my out of control life. It made me feel better about everything. It’s bad enough I can’t look him in the eye but now I have the awful habit of staring at his lips which is just creepy. But I still find it so strange that I kissed those lips and now I really can not stop looking at them.

Being around him now is just horrendous at the moment in general. I have to plan my every move, my every word and my every glance to make sure that my secret feelings for Ollie stay secret. I can't even imagine what would happen if he ever found out the way I feel about him. I don't think I'd ever be able to leave the house again out of pure shame. So now I try to find every excuse I can to make sure we are not alone together in a room for very long whilst trying to do a good job on this article as my entire future is riding on this. Trust me it’s not easy.

But thankfully me I have Emmie who is literally a genius. Last night she gave me the perfect plan to escape him for a few days; instead of interviewing Ollie I could interview his friends and get another perspective. I remember him mentioning a Dom who moved to America so I just need to get a phone number and permission to interview his friend. “Just call him. It's like ripping off a band aid quick and easy,” Emmie encourages me as I sit with the phone in my hand looking at her in despair. I’ve been sat like this for ten minutes now trying to work up the nerve to call him. “Izzie this is ridiculous you have to talk to him sometime,” she adds again sternly.

“Fine,” I sigh as I punch in his number dejectedly.

“Hello?” Ollie asks, just the sound of his voice making my tummy flip and sizzle.

“Hi it’s Izzie. I was just calling because I want to get someone else's opinion in this article. I remember you mentioning a Dom. Would it be alright by you if I talked to him? Its just that I can follow you around all I want but I will never know you as well as someone really close to you,” I say quickly to get this over and done with. “...I suppose,” he answers after a short pause to decipher my lightning quick explanation. “Great can I have his phone number or an address?” I ask.

“An address would be a bit pointless seen as he lives in Seattle,” Ollie tells me with the slightest hint of sarcasm. I can't help but think this reply would have been a little livelier if it weren't for the kiss stifling everything. “Sorry, yeah I know that?” I correct myself.  

“So why don't I just give you the phone number?” he suggests.

“Perfect,” I confirm.

I have to stay up until one o'clock in the morning to catch Dom at a suitable time for him. But at least I don't have to endure that horrible, stiflingly atmosphere between Ollie and I for a couple of days while I write up this. The clock ticks to the appropriate time so I dial the number into the phone. “Hello?”

“Hi this is Izzie? The journalist?”

“Oh right, I'm Dom,” a friendly voice beams down the phone his outgoing tone immediately waking me up from my half asleep state. “So what did you want to know about Ols?” he asks. Ols that’s kinda cute I’ve never heard anyone call him that before. “Nothing in particular I'm just trying to build up a bigger picture of him,” I explain.

“Right, he can be a pretty private guy,” Dom laughs.

“You don't say,” I mutter dryly. “He did open up to me but now... never mind,” I say quickly realising I was just about to blather on about something private. “But now it’s awkward?” he offers.

“Well,... yes,” I reply slightly thrown off.

“He told me what happened,” he informs me causing my mouth to form into an 'o' shape. So how many people has he informed? Does he just laugh about what an idiot I am to everyone and anyone? “Great,” I reply slightly annoyed that Ollie has decided to broadcast the entire thing to the world. “Not that he's telling loads of people about it. He just tells me everything,” he quickly adds.

“Thank god for that,” I respond with a laugh of relief.

“To be honest you sound lovely, much better than Natasha because I couldn't stand her,” he tells me nonchalantly.

“No, no, no, we … Ollie and I...,” I stammer pathetically.

“Are just friends?” he offers again sceptically.

“We are. That… incident…”

“Incident?” he laughs.

“Yes incident, was a one off mistake. It meant absolutely nothing,” I reply indignantly.

“Okay. You’re Just friends.”

“We are,” I repeat.

“I never said anything different,” he answers.

“You are exactly like him!” I laugh in frustration.

“I know, we drive people up the wall when we're together,” he chuckles back.

“I'll bet,” I reply. “Anyway stop changing the topic. How long have you known Ollie?”

“Since primary school,” he answers.

Then Dom went on to tell me a whole host of really great stories about Ollie when he was younger. Dom and Ollie had been friends since primary school and my god did he have some hilarious stories to share with me. Dom was lovely. Really sweet and kind. He seemed genuinely happy to help me out and he trusted me completely with these stories, some of them I can never repeat unless I want to force Ollie to walk around with a paper bag over his head for months, but they certainly made me laugh. He was exactly like Ollie apart from the fact he was so much more open, friendly and trusting. That hour spent with Dom I learnt so much about Ollie. I thought I had built up a pretty big picture of him but it turns out I had barely scratched the tip of the iceberg. I don't know him at all.

“So he never actually wanted to be an actor?” I ask again.

“No he just sort of fell into it and then he got a part in that movie with that awful woman,” he explains.

“I take it you're not Natasha's number one fan?” I giggle.

“I came to visit a couple of months back and she wouldn't let him go out for a few beers with me,” he tells me.

“Really? She was that controlling? I mean I now she is a bitch… oh shit I shouldn’t have said that. Please don’t tell him I said that,” I beg.

“My lips are sealed. Oh and she was bad. She put him on a diet and he was no longer allowed to drink beer,” he replies with a snigger.

“Seriously?” I reply.

“Seriously. He was a much better person without her in his life. He still isn't back to his old self, she's like poison,” he adds bitterly.

“He's told me I can't write about her.”

“That wouldn't surprise me. He's a good guy. He'll stay loyal to the end. Unfortunately he picked the wrong girl to stay loyal to. He'll snap out of it eventually,” he says hopefully. “Anyway it’s getting late I better go,” he adds.

“Yeah of course. Thank you so much for your time,” I reply.

“No problem. It was fun talking to you.”

“Definitely it’s nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks Natasha is the spawn of the devil...,” he concludes.

“Ditto,” I laugh before hanging up the phone. So basically everyone Ollie knows, (Chelsea, Dom and I,) hates Natasha apart from Ollie. What is wrong with him?

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