Chapter 20

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Ollie’s POV

“Ollie,” Natasha calls from the kitchen. I lean back on my chair and throw down the script I was trying to learn lines from. Great. I had only just managed to concentrate on actually learning the lines without getting distracted and now I’ve been distracted again. My life has descended into mayhem which means concentrating on anything is impossible let alone a complicated script packed full of my page long monologues. “OLLIE!” Natasha shouts again a little more demanding this time. Yeah, it’s probably not a brilliant idea to keep her waiting any longer. I jump to my feet and hurry off in the direction of her voice as quickly as I can. I stride out into the corridor to find Natasha on her knees by the kitchen door inspecting the wall with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She appears to be stroking the wall which is strange because that’s Izzie level of crazy and Natasha isn’t anything like Izzie because… never mind. “Are you okay?” I ask her while she runs her hand over a particular section of the wall observing her with a puzzled curiosity. “You have a dent,” she informs me.

“Oh,” is all I can think to reply. Already my mind was back on the script and I was trying to recall the lines I had just learnt or at least tried to learn. “Well you’d better get it sorted out. People will notice when we hold our little gathering if we don’t,” she whines. Ah ‘Natasha’s little gathering’ that’s all I’ve been hearing of for the last few days. By little she really means half of England, she even has a party planner who spends her time flitting around my house and insulting almost every aspect of it. I’m surprised the planner hasn’t noticed the dent, her standards must be slipping. I dread to think how much this ‘little gathering’ is going to cost, but I don’t ask. If it’s making her happy then it is worth it. “How did it even get here?” she continues. I lean down next her and allow my fingers to skim the surface sure enough there is a tiny bump. “Well?” Natasha asks again impatiently as if her life depends on the answer. I honestly haven’t the slightest clue where the dent has come from. I rack my brains for a reason but nothing comes to mind… Wait. A smile immediately springs to my face as I remember the exact cause of that tiny little bump. I choke back a chuckle rising up my throat as I remember how that tiny little bump came to be. “What!” Natasha exclaims seeing my smile. My mouth goes dry. That tiny little bump is one of the last lingering marks Izzie has left on my life. A chill rises inside me as I remember how awfully I treated her. I really didn’t mean to hurt her and I honestly did consider her a friend, well I guess I’ve blown that idea. But before the mess we were friends we didn’t really hate each other did we? “Izzie tripped and hit her head a while ago,” I explain quickly knowing Izzie isn’t exactly a favourite conversation topic for Natasha. Izzie isn’t exactly my favourite topic at the moment either. I can’t think about her without feeling physically sick and when I mention her name the pain increases ten fold. “Just get it sorted!” she snaps shortly probably due to the mention of Izzie. She pulls herself back to her feet and saunters off into the rest of the house probably to find more things to be sorted before the ‘little gathering.’

I return back to the study and continue with learning the script or trying to learn. Okay I can’t take this any longer I have to make sense of this whole situation. I have to talk to Dom. I check my watch and try to remember the time zone map in my head. Uh no if I call now it will be 5:00 o’clock in the morning which is just a little bit unreasonable. Two hours later I check my watch. Deciding I can’t wait any longer I wheel back on my chair and pick up the phone. Dom has got to be up by now surely? I punch in the number and wait impatiently for Dom to pick up. “Thanks for waking me up first thing on a Saturday morning,” Dom mutters moodily down the phone. Oh I guess he wasn’t up then… opps. “I’m sorry but I really need to talk to you,” I explain.

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