Chapter 23

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My life is so close to perfect I can barely believe this isn’t a dream. I actually walk around the house pinching myself expecting to wake up from one of those beautiful dream which you never want to wake up from but when you do it brings a smile to your face for the whole day. But this is the real thing. I am a columnist at a nationwide newspaper; well within the top ten newspapers in England. This is actually my life!!! This is my fourth day in my new job and I love every second and every aspect of it. The offices are located in the hub of the biggest businesses in the city so everywhere you look there are extremely important business people striding about the streets surrounded by towering glass sky scrapers. Along the streets there are beautiful patches of dazzling green provided from the occasional tree lined up along the street and stunning modern art fountains. Then there’s my building right at the end of the street which is the prettiest building on the street in my opinion. It perfectly meshes the practicality and beauty of modern architecture with the subtly and grandness of older architecture.

The security guards still don’t recognise my face yet so I have to flash them my identification card which makes me feel like some kind of FBI agent or female James Bond. I clip clop through the huge lobby slightly late but I don’t have to stress over it like I did at my last job. As I slip past the reception desk I catch Mandy making plans on facebook she hears someone approach and jumps around in absolute horror. “I’m late and your on facebook, I won’t tell if you won’t,” a joke flashing Mandy a wink. Mandy laughs placing her finger on her mouth in a shush sign. “You have a deal,” she replies. Another good thing about this place is the receptionist. Mandy is funny and perfectly understands when I walk in a couple of minutes late unlike Becky the cow of a receptionist. In fact everyone here is about five hundred times lovelier than Mrs. Lington and her snobby staff which is strange because you would think the snobs would be found in the more important newspaper but it’s completely the other way around. On my way back to the office I am warmly greeted by at least ten people despite the fact I’ve only been her four days. And get this I have my own office! It’s huge, filled with pot plants and has a stunning view over the city. Oh and I have an assistant who is brilliant. I was terrified at first at the thought of having an assistant because I’ve barely been an employee let alone an employer. But Kate is fantastic. It’s just like working alongside a friend I’ve known for years. In fact we waste a lot more time chatting than we probably should. Then there’s my column. I was really nervous about writing a column; for the first time I had a deadline and a real responsibility but the first time I sat down at my computer the words just came with ease and I’ve almost got it finished and ready to be approved. Plus I’ve already got ideas for the next week.

Mum and Dad are still being supportive and there still proud of me! Georgie can get lost because this is my turn. I’m finally blossoming and everything has clicked into place. Everything apart from one tiny thing I just can’t get over. It’s like I’ve spent months working on this monster jigsaw and there is just one piece missing that got lost along the way and no matter how hard I search its just not there. No matter how hard I try to forget about it that missing piece nags at me in the back of my mind and despite all my euphoria I’m scared because it’s slowly tearing away at me. I thought it would have healed by now. How long will it take before I won’t think about him first thing in the morning, last thing at night and constant intervals throughout the day? “Izzie?” Kate asks poking her head through the door. I tear my eyes off the computer screen and turn my attention to Kate. “This was just dropped off for you. Oh and I was wondering do you want to go to Café Nero’s for lunch?” Kate inquires.

“Oh yes I am dying for one of their strawberry milkshakes, sounds great,” I confirm immediately.

“Exactly I’m dying for a mocha,” Kate adds.

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