Chapter 9

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It’s ten to three now. It only takes an hour to eat dinner and an hour to finally escape, so I should be out of here by five. I can last that long surely? My family can’t be that bad? I can manage this.

I stop at the top of the garden path, take a deep breath and whilst clutching my cheapo bunch of flowers I finally take the plunge and walk into my family home.

“Hey,” I call out into the empty corridor only to get no answer. I kick of my shoes and allow my eyes to scan the floor. Georgie’s pristine shoes are already neatly lined up by the door. That's why no one answered. I’ve learned to accept that when Georgie’s around I get ignored. Fact. Straining my ears I can already hear Georgie’s high-pitched, girly, giggle echoing through the house.

“Hello?” I repeat while pushing open the living room door.

“Fizzy sweetheart you finally made it! We've been waiting for you for ages! Why didn’t you call us when you came in?Mum asks. I could point out to her that I’m actually early as it’s only ten to three. And I could have just as easily told her that I did call she was just too busy with Georgie to hear me. But you have to pick your battles and this one isn’t worth it.

“I got you flowers,” I say while holding out my pathetic wilting bunch. “I’m sorry they didn’t have much choice.”

“Oh I know! I had the same problem. Here Fizzy place them next to mine.” Georgie takes the bunch from my hands and plonks them down next to an extravagant, vibrant, burst of glowing oranges and vivacious reds. My offering appears twice as pathetic in comparison.

“So I heard about the internship,” she continues. Oh god. Two hours of this. I can't last two hours of this. Let me out!

“Oh Fizzy I’ve told you before, it’s all about confidence. I was at a business conference just the other day and that was the best piece of advice I took away from it. To survive in this world you need to be able to show yourself off and do you know the best way to achieve that?” she asks me as if I'm a five year old. I quietly exhale in frustration. After a while I realise she's waiting for an answer.

“No,” I answer like a surly teenager.

“The best way to portray confidence is through body language. You need to straighten your shoulders, lift your head and stop tripping over things. Oh and cut the mumbling out…,”

“I’ve told her about that a thousand times,” Mum chips in.

“See Izzie we’ve all noticed. Haven’t we Daddy?” Georgie asks, determined to drag as many people into this as possible.

“Hmph,” is all Dad has to say on the subject.

“Oh Fizzy if only you’d make a few alterations you could be successful like Georgie,” Mum cuts in.

‘Successful like Georgie’ you don’t know how many times I’ve heard that expression.

“Don’t you think her cheeks would look less chubby if she wore her hair pulled back instead of all over the place?” Georgie says while picking up a strand of my hair that has fallen out of my messy bun. I try to push her hand away but she persists in attempting to tuck the piece of hair behind my ear.

“I erm… need a drink,” I say. With that I escape Georgie and make my way into the kitchen.

I rush to the fridge and find the nearest bottle of wine to pour myself a glass. A large glass. This is certainly going to help to take the edge off tonight.

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