♡The Conversion♡

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Comments I need

Also if you see a typo correct it for me thx 😘😘

(Also I'm going to try to make this chapter pretty short so it doesn't take a week for me to finish again lmaooo)

●•°like maybe a week or so after last chapter°•

It was a cold night, wind was thrashing against my window, I couldn't sleep.

I sat up with a sigh and paced around my room. The wooden floorboards under my feet were chilling and the air around me was dry. I didn't exactly know what to do with myself. Isn't much I could do in this house, and I'd be a fool to go out at this hour.

A brief thought of going to Ebenezer's room to visit him for the night crossed my mind, but I quickly chased it off.

It would be very Unbecoming to disturb someone in the dead of night like that. I thought to myself. After some minutes of internal debate, I decided I could just try to walk around the house, maybe see new things around the place, maybe stop by the kitchen and grab a snack. Yes. I'll do that.

I slowly creeped out of my room and tip toed down the hall as to not let the sounds of the floorboards wake Ebenezer.

I made my way down the staircase to the entrance of the sitting room.

But, to my surprise, Ebenezer was sitting on the chair directly in front of the fireplace, just closely studying the flames.

I suppose my movement got caught in his peripherals because he turned his head to me once I reached the last step.

"Oh," his voice cracked at me, due to him being tired I assume. "Did you need something, beloved?"

I sighed and shook my head no, walking sluggishly to him. "Just couldn't sleep, I'm afraid." I leaned on his chair. "What about you? Why be up so late?"

"Same reason." He answered quickly. "It seems to be that neither of us are going to have I restful night then."

"I fear so." I lightly laughed. He did too, looking up to me. I peered all around his tired face that was just hardly illuminated by the dim light of the fire.

We just viewed each other for a minute before he spoke. "Y/n, come sit." He requested.

"Beg pardon?"

"Sit." He repeated with a gentle voice, patting his leg.

"Oh!" I let out. "Yes, ok." I nodded and looped around the chair and found my spot in it on his lap. I leaned up onto him and let my body relax.

He made our hands join, letting our fingers intertwine. "Would you like to discuss anything?" He whispered with rasp in his voice.

"There isn't too much to talk about, is there?" I thought aloud.

"You're creative. I'm sure you can find something." He said then lightly laughed under his breath.

"Yes, yes, all right." I giggled before pitching my idea. "Want to play a game?"

"A game?" He uttered in confusion. "Elaborate please."

Ebenezer x Reader (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now