♡valentine pt.1♡

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Thanks to Froggy_Frog_Boi for the scrumptious suggestion <3


I woke up early today, making myself tea and reading the mail that was already at the doorstep.

I sat on the kitchen stool and went through the stack, tossing the ones that didn't matter on the table in front of me.

Most of them was just work stuff for Ebenezer but one snagged my attention.

It was a little pink envelope, sent from Harry.

"Well, what is this?" I opened the letter to see it was an invitation.

Dear, y/n and uncle

This year I will be the host of a valentine themed ball, in celebration of the holiday.
I do hope you two will join our gathering on account of your status in relationship.

I know well that we haven't had the best history with holiday gatherings but I'm hoping that you've both kept the same spirit that seemed to ignite on Christmas day.

That will be all, and your presences will be very appreciated.

Attend 7:00 PM, February 14th

-Yours truely, Harry

As soon as I was done reading it I gasped in excitement and kicked my feet, letting out a high pitched laugh. "Ooh! Yesyesyes!" I stood up and spun around.

"What's going on down there!?" Ebenezer yelled from the top of the staircase.

"Oh!" I turned to the direction his voice came from. "Come! Come quick!" I yelled from the table in the kitchen and took a seat by the island.

He hastily ran down and poked his head around the corner. "Whatever is it? Is something the matter?" He asked running up to me.

"Quite the opposite!" I waved the little pink invite.

"What's that?" He asked grabbing it from my hand and reading it words.

"It's an invitation! Harry sent it, can you believe it!? We're invited to a-"

"Valentines ball." He finished my sentence. He didn't quite seem amused, though.

"Yes!" I squealed. "Can we go!?"

"Oh.. well.." he sighed and put the note on the table. "I'm not so sure."

"Wait what?" My shoulders dropped and I blinked in confusion.

"Oh, you-you know I love you so, y/n. But I don't think I'm very fond of this idea." He put his fingertips to his lips in thought.

"Oh.." I sighed as my sight dropped to the floor. "Is there a reason?" I quietly asked.

He walked over and grabbed my shoulder, provoking me to look up to him. "I'm, sorry. I mean not to make you upset." I apologized. "But, I couldn't see myself doing that. Being so open in front of so many people, so vulnerable. We haven't done anything like this before. It would be like our first official announcement to the world. I'm not sure I could do such a thing." He explained.

"..Announcing our love to the world is a negative thing to you?" I heard my voice break when I asked that. I know he probably didn't mean it in a malicious way, but it still hurt to think that's what he might have meant.

"Oh dear." He muttered. "I didn't mean it like that, I just don't like the attention is all."

I pressed my lips together tightly and nodded.

"You aren't angry with me, are you?" His eyebrows creased upwards in worry. "I hope this event didn't mean much to you."

I looked down to the envelope and slid it to the side. "Well, actually, it kind of did.." I looked up to him and plastered a fake smile onto my face. "But no matter." I grabbed both of his hands in front of me. "Your emotions are much more important to me. If you are uncomfortable with it, we will not go." I finished and stood up.

"Y/n, are you-" He started before I hushed him.

"And that's a final decision." I stated. "Now how about you go through your mail while I put on some tea, okay?" I asked while backing him into the chair and forced him to sit. "Plus, the event isn't for another month or so, I'm sure I'll simply forget it by then. You don't need to worry about me, I assure you."

He just looked at me blankly for a sec then nodded.

I turned back around and got the stove ready for the tea, still thinking. I have no idea why this meant so much to me.

No clue.

But it couldn't happen. And really, it's not a big deal. I'm sure I will eventually forget anyway.

But deep down, I did hope he will end up changing his mind by the time February rolls around.


Sorry for the super short chapter lol just needed to get something out there.

Sorry for the super short chapter lol just needed to get something out there

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Anyway bye love you, see you next update❤️❤️


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