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Guys who's back.. back again?
Waffle's back, Tell a friend

BABAGAH it's been so long guys!!

Anyway there will be sexual content in this chapter bc I really need to get it out of my system. Enjoyyy~~~

I took a breath of the fresh spring air. Ah~ one of my favorite seasons.

I strolled through the park with my husband's arm linked to mine. It was days like these that made me so grateful for life it's self.

As I looked through the trees, admired the enchanting view, I spotted a beautiful little dark purple flower all alone in the grass.

"Oh my! Ebenezer, look! How lovely!" I stepped off path to bend down and get a look at it.

He quickly stepped after me. "Y/n, what is it?" He sighed with a smile. "You promised to stay on the pavement this time, remember? Why if you trip and get hurt in this filthy mud?" He reminded, kneeling down beside me.

"Sorry, sorry." I laughed. "It's just this. Look." I placed the tips of my gloved fingers under the dainty flower pedals. "gorgeous." I beamed at the little plant.

"My. I swear you fall so distracted by nature." He chuckled and admired me while I stare at the flower. "Well, aren't you going to pick it?"

My face snapped up to him with a small yet dramatic gasp. "Good heavens, no! That would kill it." I shook my head and looked back down at it. "No, I cannot take it home for myself. That would be selfish, would it not?" I asked, stroking the thin pedals.

"I suppose if that's your mind set." He smiled down to me. "But no matter. My home already has all the beauty it needs in it, and I'm looking right at her. No flower could compare."

I looked up to him with a grin, "why, you charmer, you." I snickered. "Are you suggesting you get to be selfish with me? Because I assure you I enjoy it more than any flower."

"If the pot fits." He joked about the flower talk and held out his hand. "I believe we should be getting along now."

"Coming right along with you, sir." I said, placing my hand in his as he helped me up.

"You know better than to call me that dearest." He raised a brow to me as I stood to my full height again.

I giggled and used the small folding fan in my hand to tap the tip of his nose. "Oh, I was only teasing sir." I said and gave him a mischievous smile.

"This is your last warning." He said more firmly. He bent down a bit and lowered his voice. "You know what that name does to me."

I grabbed his arm and continued walking. "Is that a threat?" I couldn't stop smiling.

"Would you like to find out?" He asked, turning around on the path that takes us back home. He pit his hand on my lower back to guide me with him.

I breathed out cautiously, a fire of blush burning across my cheeks. "Maybe I do." I simply said, still looking forward.

"Then so be it." His voice deepened as we continued our stroll, innocent to the eyes of others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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