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Tanjiro bullies you in this ok???😋

Today was the day you went back to school. You already wanted it to be summer again. As you walked to school, you heard shouting, and immediately recognized the voices. You turned around and waved. "Hey Genya! Hey Sanemi!" You shouted, and they stopped fighting and started running towards you. They engulfed you into a big hug and kept telling you how they didn't want to be here right now. You sighed and started walking, then saw Mitsuri and Aoi. "Oi, Mitsuri! Aoi! Over here!" You yelled from across the street. They waved and sprinted over, trying not to get hit by a car. "Hey Y/N! Let's hope Tanjiro got suspeneded." You nodded and sighed. "Lets say our prayers." You smacked your hands together and prayed that Tanjiro wouldn't be there. Genya and Sanemi were far ahead, since Sanemi was a teacher. You, Mitsuri and Aoi started running while spilling tea about what happened over the summer, and boy did they have juicy drama.

As soon as you guys opened the doors to the school, you were hit with a chilly breeze. "Damn shawty....It's so cold in here..!" You complained, before hearing a laugh. You turned around to see Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu, the ones who bullied you, mitsuri and aoi last year. "Aw, is Y/N is complaining again? Maybe next time she shouldn't be a slut and cover herself up." Tanjiro said laughing. "Shut up bitch. At least I can pull girls." You said rolling your eyes. Mitsuri and Aoi burst out into laughter, almost crying at one point. "At least I can pull guys." He said, a bit angered. "Aww, someone's getting angry." You mocked. You and the others walked away, ignoring the other three as they kept following you guys. After a few weeks, the bullying got worse, and you didn't know what to say whenever he said rude stuff.

"Alright class, you can pick your partners, except for Aoi, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Y/N. I'm picking your partners." Shinazugawa barked, earning six annoyed groans. "Aoi with Inosuke..Zenitsu with Mitsuri and Tanjiro with-" He was cut off when you screamed. "SHINAZUGAWA-SAN PLEASE DON'T PAIR ME UP WITH HIM!! IM BEGGING YOU!!" Sanemi sighed. "Too bad. Tanjiro with Y/N." You flopped onto your chair and banged your head on the table. "You done yet?" Tanjiro growled. "Shut up." You spat. Tanjiro rolled his eyes and sighed. "You're probably just doing this because you're lazy." He muttered. You just ignored him.


"Alright wimps. Today were going to practice wrestling. I was told to put the students that don't get along together so.." Tomioka mumbled. "Tanjiro with Y/N..Mitsuri with Zenitsu..And Aoi with Inosuke.." You frowned and smacked Tanjiro bef ore getting up. Tomioka showed everyone the stance you all had to be in, so you did the exact thing, followed by Tanjiro. Tomioka blew the whistle and you and Tanjiro started wrestling. After at least twenty minutes, everyone else was tired and done while you and him were still wrestling. "Alright, I'm ending it here." You said, before grabbing his shoulders and smacking your forehead onto his.

Your forehead started to bleed and so did his, but a lot worse. You both also had bloody noses. Tanjiro fell backwards and you quickly caught him, then yelled, "He's fine! I can take him to the nur-" but then you passed out. When you woke up, you saw Mitsuri. "What happened?" You croaked, your throat dry. Mitsuri held a bottle of water up to your lips and explained everything as you drank. Aoi arrived and added slight details while scolding you at the same time. "I know I shouldn't be saying this because he totally deserved it, but I think you should apologize." Aoi mumbled, looking from you, to Tanjiro, who was sitting up on a different bed surrounded by his friends. "Damn..You're right. And he has a TON of friends..I better say my prayers before I get my soul beaten out of me." You snickered before you started praying, then Mitsuri and Aoi started laughing, drawing all of Tanjiro's friends attention. The nurse quickly injected something into your arm, which would probably make you fall asleep. You looked over and saw all of his friends and him staring. You smacked your hands over their mouths and shouted,"shHHHhhHhHHh!! tHey'rEe STARING!!" Mitsuri and Aoi started crying crying and laughing even harder, clutching their stomachs as they laughed.

"SHHHH! even the cute one is staring.." You whisper shouted, before they pointed at Tanjiro. "Him??" You nodded and they started pounding their fists onto your bed, laughing into your blankets. "stop lAUghInfsjsksn..." You started snoring and quickly woke up. After that incident you and Tanjiro weren't allowed to be near each other anymore. But, he still made fun of you whenever he got the chance to.

"We're doing wresting again...Tanjiro and Y/N are together because I want them to hurt each other. Anyways everyone else can choose their partners." Tomioka grumbled before blowing his whistle, signaling to start. You and Tanjiro started wrestling, but this time, he used your move. Luckily, you dodged it and dove under his legs, then pulled him down. He landed right on top you, and his lips touched yours. "KYAAAAAAA!! TANJIRO AND Y/N JUST KISSED!" Mitsuri screamed, then pulled you out from under him. "EHKKK..WHY DID YOU KISS HIM!?" She screamed again. "WE DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" You screamed back, flustered. "Oh. Okay then. Well did you like it?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. You blinked and then walked off, covering your red face. "Come on, let's just get back to wrestling." You said before Tanjiro could say anything.

Let's just say you and him kissed a lot of times during that...

"Y/N! You didn't answer my question from earlier!" Mitsuri said with a frown. "Can't I answer later? He's right there and we're by our LOCKERS. Where everybody is." You tried reasoning with her, but she didn't give in. "Fine...yea. I liked it." You mumbled quietly. "What was that?" She said with a smug grin. "I said I liked it when he kissed me, alright?!" You shouted, with a dark red face. You grabbed your books and slammed your locker shut, then clutched your books up to your chest tightly. You walked past Mitsuri and into your classroom, trying to think about anything other than that conversation.

Tanjiro came over with Inosuke and Zenitsu, and slammed his hands on your desk. "Seriously?!" He yelled, then pulled out his phone. "This was sent to me by one of my friends." He scoffed then played the video of the conversation you and Mitsuri just had. Your eyes widened a bit and you looked away, flustered. You heard him sigh and whisper a few things to Zenitsu and Inosuke, "You better meet me outside after school. We'll settle this there." He said with a snicker, then walked off.


You walked to the designated place Tanjiro wanted to meet you at. You were pretty much defenseless, but you tried to think about anything other than getting beat up. Tanjiro came over, alone. He probably wanted the luxury of beating you himself, and being proud to see all the bruises HE gave you. But to your surprise..He kissed you.

"What? Shocked?" He snickered, then french kissed you.

THATS 1K WORDS. SUCKS TO SUCK LOL you'll get a part two of this once we hit 2k reads

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