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*sigh* let's get this over with

This takes place at the hashira hideout/ubuyashiki estate

U dont have a crow, u have a Scarlet Macaw named Mochi- she has some REAL sass.. the picture is up top.

As you finished off the last of your udon, you heard your macaw, "KAW! KAW! HEAD TO THE HASHIRA HIDEOUT! HEAD TO THE HASHIRA HIDEOUT! KAW! KAW!" You quickly paid for the udon and got up from your seat. Your Scarlet Macaw sat on your shoulder and you petted it. It flew off and you followed, since you had never been to the Hashira Hideout. "Mochi! Why do I have to go to the Hashira Hideout?" You yelled as you ran under the bird. "Don't ask me! I don't know everything." She retorted. You sighed and rolled your eyes, then ran straight into a tree. "God dammit-" You swore as you rubbed your nose, which was now a bright red and bloody. You grumbled and started following your bird again, eventually making it to the hideout. You knocked on the wooden gate, and waited impatiently. Tengen opened the gate and let you in, then took your wrist and practically dragged you to where everyone else was. "Master, the girl has arrived." He said as he bowed. You just stood there looking at all the hashira bowed down, then locked eyes with a man. He was blind, and had purple on his face. Suddenly, a man with white hair grabbed your hair and shoved you down, forcing you to bow, and making you yelp. His fingers dug into your fragile head, making you grunt every time he moved.

"Let- go- you bastard!" You shouted as you dug your nails into his hand. 'Take a deep breath Y/N, clear your mind and think of a way to get out of his grip.' You thought as you took deep breaths. 'Just kick the bastards face.' You thought, then lifted up your leg to kick him. But, you didn't really think about how quickly he was, so he immediately grabbed your ankle tightly and slammed it on the ground. He chuckled a bit and looked at you with a blood lust look. "Oh shit- I'm hella dead." You muttered under your breath as you stared into his lavender pupils. Three irk marks appeared on his forehead as you squirmed in his grip, then he slammed your head into the gravel. "You bitch-" You grumbled as you used all of your strength to kick the back of his head. He yelped and grunted, making Kagaya stop talking and look in his direction. "Sanemi. What happened?" He asked in a calm tone of voice. "This girl kicked me. That's all." He said, his whole ego changing just like that.

Sanemi's grip had weakened tremendously, so you used this as an advantage. You quickly scrambled away from him, and right next to Kagaya. "....Y/N. What are you doing?" He asked in a soothing voice, which for some reason made you relax. "I ehm, well...I don't really know." You muttered in embarrassment. Kagaya just smiled and nodded. "This is our strongest female slayer, that isn't a hashira." Kagaya explained, each hashira perking up to look at you. "Wait, seriously? There's no actual fucking way that bitch is our strongest female slayer." Sanemi barked angrily. "Before I explain further, we are still waiting for the male." Kagaya continued, "So while we wait, let's ask our dear Y/N some questions, shall we?"

You gulped nervously and laughed a bit. "Yeahh...Ask questions...yay.." You muttered as you looked away. "Y/N, what's your breathing style?" A male with a split patterned haori. "Ehm-" Kagaya looked at the male and made a motion. "Right. My name is Tomioka Giyuu. What's your breathing style?" He asked again. "Errr...uh...I don't use a breathing style...I never learned...yet I handle demons on my own without one." You said with a shrug. Tomioka's eyes widened a bit, but his overall face didn't change. "Oh wow! Y/N Is so cool!" A small woman said excitedly,"Oh, right! My name is Mitsuri Kanroji! And my question is....who was your mentor?" You blinked a few times, "Mentor? I didn't have a mentor." Mitsuri gasped in admiration. "My name is Kyojuro Rengoku! How did you learn about the Corps if you didn't have a mentor?" He asked rather loudly. "Oh. Well your members aren't very sneaky. And they expose them selves very easily. A Corps member found me bleeding, just a small cut, and wrapped it up while explaining what they do for a living." You said.

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