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I'm gonna make u and tanjiro play pokemon go akshkaak



haha jk ilysm

i couldnt be HAPPIER.

"Stupid thing...just stay in the damn pokeball!" You whisper shouted while smacking your phone. You sighed and pressed the run away button, giving up. "Oo- a gym! I'll battle them since it's yellow team." You said to yourself. You pressed on the gym and pressed the battle button, which immediately teleported you to a battle field. You tapped on the screen like a maniac and finally won against all of the pokemon. "YES!" You shouted with your fists in the air. Since you were in a subway, (train) everyone looked at you. "Oops.." You whispered with a flushed face.

"Damn!" You heard someone somewhat shout. You turned your head in their direction and saw a male. He looked about fifteen years old, had burgundy hair, and hanafuda earrings. He was on his phone with two other males that also looked fifteen. (ima use my pokemon go username cuz why tf not😍) "Some girl named...simpin0ntanjiro knocked me out of my gym..." The burgundy haired male muttered. Your eyes widened and you quickly looked down at your phone. You walked as quickly as possible, but the males were following you.."I saw her phone. That's the girl." The male with blue hair growled as he chased after you with the others.

You stopped and turned around. They stopped inches away from you, frowning. Yet the boy with burgundy hair looked impressed. "Good job, I guess." He said while looking away, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. A light blush dusted your cheeks, and you quietly said, "Thanks." "What's your friend code?" He asked, looking at you this time. (IM GONNA DO MY ACTUAL FRIEND CODE) "Oh uh, it's 2148 9633 4319!" You answered. He looked down at his phone and typed in your friend code, then a notification popped up on your phone. "Are you...tanjiro?" You asked while tilting your head slightly. "Yeah. I didn't come up with a trainer name so I just used my real name." He said, slightly embarrased. You snickered a bit and pressed accept.

You went to your profile and remembered your username. 'Oh shit- my username has HIS name in it!-' You mentally screamed. "Your heart is beating fast. And a sense of realization just overcame you. What are you looking at?" Tanjiro asked curiously, looking at your screen. "Oh...uh....your username.." He said awkwardly. "I can change it!" You said quickly, then went to settings and scrolled down. "Mother of fuck- I can't!" You whisper shouted. "It's fine I guess. There are other Tanjiro's in this world, right?" He said anxiously. "Right.." You replied.

"I gotta go-" You said while pointing at your train, "My lift is here." Tanjiro said goodbye as you got onto the train, waving out the window. 

time skip cuz i am lazy af

not a real event btw i just made it up cuz im bored

You opened the door to your house to be hit with the scent of cinnamon. "DAYUM MAMA, ARE YOU MAKING CINNAMON ROLLS?" You yelled while taking off your shoes. "LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY." Your mother screamed back. You sighed and ran up the stairs to your room, walked in, closed the door behind you, and flopped onto your bed. "OOOooOooOO, valentines update on pokemon go I see- hehehhh..." You grinned as you tapped on the notification. "Get lead to the love of your life in POKEMON GO?!" You said, surprised. "No actual way..." You muttered as you clicked the button with a heart on it. 'Follow the destination!' It read aloud. Then, on your screen, a glowing pink pathway lit up. You jumped up and ran out of the room, wasting barely any time on opening the door, then ran downstairs, and before you could run outside, your mother yell, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" You stopped in your tracks and sighed. "I'M GOING TO GO FIND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" You shouted. "BE BACK BEFORE DARK!" She screamed, then you ran out the door, slamming the door behind you. "The car will take too much time!" You hastily yelled to yourself. You looked down at your phone every few blocks, seeing that the love of your life was getting closer. They wanted to find you. You ran and ran, and suddenly, you smacked into someone. It was the boy you met at the subway. "Oh- hey!" You said while panting. He smiled and waved, and you looked at your phone, and so did he. "What...?" You both said in sync. "You're the love of my life!" You both yelled in sync once more. "Oh well, you are a cutie anyway." You said while locking your arm with his. 




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