Final Selection redo pt. 7

348 9 6

(B/S) means breathing style

(R/F) means random form

"OH MOTHER OF GOD- WHY DID I DO THAT?!?" You screamed, your voice high pitched. The hand that was holding you fell into the demons mouth, you still in it. "HOLY SHIT!!" We're your last words before falling into the darkness of the demons stomach. "Ew- what the actual fuck?" You muttered, poking at all the purple organs in the stomach. "No wonder they're purple. He's a demon." You mumbled, then had an idea. "If I can't do any damage on the outside..I'll do damage on the inside!" You thought aloud. You then raised your sword above your head, "(B/S)..First form! (R/F)!" You yelled, then swung down. Your attack surprisingly went through the organs AND the skin of the demon. "Pathway! Hah! I'm a god!" You boasted, then skipped out of the stomach as if you weren't getting covered in blood. "YOOO. DEMON. YOU NEED TO EAT MORE VEGET- AGHHH YOU MOTHER FUCKER-" You shouted as one of its big hand grabbed your arm and started pulling. "I DON'T WANNA LOSE AN ARM GOD DAMMIT!" You screamed as you heard a pop. "You DISLOCATED MY FUCKING ARM?!" You shouted in anger, then you felt a horrible pain in your arm. You slowly looked over to see it was still there, but slowly getting ripped off.

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