💔🖤 Jade x Child Reader 🖤💖

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TW: Sensitive topics mentioned below!!
A/N: also reader is a beastman like Leona and Ruggie!!


'I must run'

'I need to keep running'

'Before he gets me...'

You think to yourself as you continue to run through the many alleyways trying to escape him. The man who has kept you locked up ever since you were a baby you're so called "caregiver", using you for whatever he wanted, he would experiment on you due to you being a beastman unlike all of the other children at the orphanage, he would even lock you up in a cage sometimes treating you like an actual monster not a child, this man would treat all of the other children with kindness but only because they were human while you, you're a beastman and in his eyes you're a monster.

Tears running down your face you begin to slow down thinking that you've finally lost him, turning around to look behind you catching your breath you can't catch his scent making you feel relief that you're no longer trapped, and that you're away from the orphanage and away from that horrible place. Turning back around you look out of the alleyway and see a street filled with shops lining the sides of the street with people walking down the street including some people looking at the shops windows and all, scared you hide in the alleyway until it gets dark and crowds begin to disperse with people heading home and back to their school dorms.

Just then as you begin to peek your head out of the alleyway you hear a soft male voice say "so you decide to come out now?" jumping you look at where the voice came from to see a tall man crouched down to your height, his teal hair with a black strip shining in the moon light with his two different coloured eyes standing out to you, looking at him slightly terrified you begin to tear up as the man looks at you worriedly saying softly "it's okay little one I mean no harm, now why don't you come with me? I'll take you somewhere warm where there's other beastman like you" looking at him confused you say shakily "w-who are you?" smiling a little the man says "my name is Jade Leech, you just can call me Jade" nodding you grasp onto his school jacket tightly as Jade begins to stand up before gently picking up your small frail body with ease, holding you close to his chest as to keep you safe from the cold winds.

Beginning to walk Jade looks at you asking "may I ask why were you in that alleyway little one?" beginning to shake in fear you shake your head no saying "b-bad man hurt me..." rage then began to fill inside of Jade as he thought to himself 'how dare someone hurt such a small child as this one', looking at you worriedly Jade asks "what is your name little one?" shaking your head you say softly "(Y-Y/n)" nodding Jade smiles at you warmly saying "what a beautiful name little one, now let's hurry before curfew hits. I'm going to take you somewhere safe where you won't ever be hurt again" nodding you hold onto Jade tightly as his begins to pick up the pace walking quickly off to his school.

~Mini time skip~

Reaching a huge school you look around as Jade walks through the school gates saying "this is Night Raven College, you'll be safe here (Y/n)" nodding you nuzzle into Jade's chest saying softly "t-thank you" smiling at you warmly Jade gently pats your head as he continues to walk through the school before reaching the hall of mirrors, looking around as if to see if there's anyone in the hall of mirrors Jade quickly hurrys in and goes through the Octavinelle mirror reaching the dorm. Looking around in awe you notice that you're now under the ocean somehow, chuckling softly at your reaction Jade says "it's okay we'll be inside the dorm soon, there you'll be warm and safe" nodding you continue to look around as Jade walks inside of the dorm and into Monstro lounge which is closed for the evening.

~3rd POV~

Azul looks over at the entrance to Monstro lounge to see Jade carrying a small frail child clinging onto him, confused Azul stands up from the table he's sitting at and walks over to Jade asking "Jade? Who's this?" Azul looks at the child as (Y/n) looks at Azul scared clinging to Jade, chuckling softly Jade says to Azul "this is (Y/n), I'll explain everything soon but first we must warm them up and give them some warm food" nodding Azul looks over at the entrance to the kitchen saying "I believe your brother Floyd is still in the kitchen I'll go and ask him to help cook something up quickly for the child" nodding Jade smiles saying "thank you Azul" watching Azul walk off to the kitchen.

Opening the kitchen door Azul notices Floyd standing by the bench in the center of the kitchen looking on his phone, noticing Azul walking into the kitchen Floyd says "hey Azul~? What's up I made sure that the kitchen is all cleaned up!" nodding Azul looks at Floyd saying "we need to cook something up quickly as Jade has brought in a small frail child and it looks like the child has been starved and beaten badly" nodding Floyd becomes all serious like and says "alrighty I'll cook something up quickly" nodding Azul says "thank you Floyd, I'll help". Both of them then begin to cook up a hot soup for (Y/n) as Jade sits on one of the lounges in Monstro lounge warming (Y/n) up with his school jacket, after waiting a few minutes Azul walks out carrying the hot soup in a bowl with Floyd walking out from the kitchen behind him.

Looking over to Azul as he places the bowl down in front of (Y/n) on the table, Jade smiles and looks at (Y/n) saying "here we go, why don't you eat up it'll help you warm up" nodding (Y/n) looks at the soup before taking the spoon and taking a scoop of the soup and eating it, quickly noticing how delicious the soup is (Y/n) quickly eats all of the rest up as Azul, Floyd and Jade watch (Y/n) all smiling at the small child warmly. Chuckling at (Y/n), Jade cleans up their face with a napkin saying "how's that? Feel better?" nodding (Y/n) smiles a little thanking them all before saying "y-you've all helped me, but why? I'm a monster" looking at (Y/n) worriedly Azul asks "what do you mean? You're not a monster, who called you that?" shaking slightly (Y/n) shakes their head hugging themself saying "t-the man at the orphanage...he would hurt me and call me a monster" rage beginning to fill within all three Octavinelle students as tears begin to fall down (Y/n)'s face.

~Your POV~

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