☁🧡 Leona x Reader 🧡☁

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Sitting at their desk (Y/n) looks at their computer playing Five Nights at Freddy's 4, scared they look all over the screen flashing the little Freddies on the bed along with flashing Foxy in the wardrobe along with keeping Bonnie and Chika out of the bedroom in the game oblivious with what's going around them, never noticing that their lion boyfriend Leona is standing in their doorway. Watching (Y/n) sitting at their desk Leona looks at them from the bedroom door slightly confused before sighing a little and walking over to them saying "hey what are you doing?" but (Y/n) never responded as it happens to be that they're wearing earphones and cannot hear anything from outside the game, looking over (Y/n)'s shoulder Leona notices that they're playing a game, confused he begins to watch them play the game thinking to himself 'isn't this that horror game I heard Ruggie and a couple other Savanaclaw students talking about? They kept saying how scary it really is and such, I don't see anything scary' just then (Y/n) got jumpscared by Chika's cupcake forgetting that they could be jumpscared by that small cupcake.

Jumping back similar to how a cat would jump when they get scared Leona looks at the computer with wide eyes as (Y/n) also jumps at the jumpscare screaming a little before saying "mother fucking cupcake" annoyed at the cupcake for jumpscaring them, looking at (Y/n) surprised Leona thinks to himself 'how the fuck do they play this game so calmly?!' just then (Y/n) turns around confused feeling a presence behind them. Just as they turn around they notice Leona standing a bit behind them with his breath being slightly shaky as if he just got scared by something, confused (Y/n) looks up at the lion beastman asking "is something up Leona?" shaking his head Leona says while trying to stay composed "no it's fine I was just wondering on what you're playing is all" chuckling a little (Y/n) smiles and says "oh! It's Five Nights at Freddy's 4!! Ruggie told me about it and said that it's a really good game, I own all the other games so I thought why not? Are you okay? You look a bit shaken up like something scared you?" shaking his head and calming his breath Leona says "no it's okay I'm fine".

Smirking at the lion beastman (Y/n) says in a sly tone "did you get scared by the cupcake~?" looking at (Y/n) annoyed Leona growls a little saying in an annoyed tone "no I didn't!! Don't even know what you're on about!" making (Y/n) laugh saying "oh my god you really did!! I can't believe that you Leona Kingscholar would get scared by a small cupcake, I mean I got scared too but still!! You! Leona!! Getting scared!! That's so not you!!" growling more Leona says annoyed at the human in front of him "I did not get scared now drop it!!" chuckling (Y/n) takes out their earphones and turns the game off saying "it's okay dear I won't let anyone know specially Ruggie or Rook since I know they would have a field day teasing you about it" sighing Leona glares at (Y/n) as they continue to talk saying "now come on why don't we cuddle?" before beginning to stand up and walk over to Leona who looks at them annoyed.

"So you play that silly game for fun?" Leona asks (Y/n) who nods happily saying "yeah! I've always loved horror games and the other games in the series are really fun but this one has to be my favourite as it expands so much on the lore!" chuckling a little at how excited (Y/n) sounds Leona pats their head gently before saying "alright then" picking them up and carrying them over to the bed before laying down with (Y/n) in his arms saying "now lets nap my little cub" blushing (Y/n) nods and nuzzles into Leona's chest as both of them soon drift off to sleep.

~The next day~

Leona chased Rook and Ruggie down the halls yelling stuff like "how the fuck did you find out?!" and "I was not fucking scared you fucking assholes!!" with both Rook and Ruggie laughing while running away from Leona knowing that it was secretly (Y/n) who told them but Leona wouldn't believe them.

~The end~

Word Count: 724 words

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