there is less acceptance in adulthood

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I was so lucky to grow up with people who never made me feel lonely

I was so lucky to grow up knowing that I had a place to escape to in case it was needed

That I had a person to escape to

I was so lucky to say that friendship-wise, my youth was actually pretty damn good because of a handful of girls who loved me in ways that I never really thought I could be loved

I was so lucky that I had people who had seen all my flaws and experienced them first hand and still hadn't left me

I was so lucky that when I acted out, they'd ask why was I doing it before telling me to stop

I don't think I am as lucky anymore

In college with new friends who I love dearly
But I can no longer hide that terribly, horribly flawed girl like I managed to do at first

I am so flawed and even at my best I am heavy with burdens and contradictions and embarrassment

They see that now but they do not ask why

No, they tell me to stop
Which is fair

Because sometimes I hurt them
Which they don't deserve

But I can't help but yearn for the years' worth of understanding that has seeped into the deepest crevices of my bones
The understanding that I took for granted

The understanding that I would kill for now

For I am not alone
But I feel alone

They make me feel alone

They saw these flaws and realized that who I was when they were under control was not worth sticking around for

I am not alone
I am merely surrounded by loneliness that masquerades
that portrays
that crusades
that pervades
as a perfect group of girls

A perfect that isn't me

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