Chapter 8

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I turned around it was Pedri, What are you doing here he said.

I looked at him very shocked, what is it he said very worried.

Sara is cheating I said, I just saw her kissing someone from another team.

What a bitch Pedri said very angry where is she now.

They were gone, they were just here alone now we are gone I said.

Okay come on let's go Pedri said. Wait, shouldn't we tell him this , I said he must know this.

No, he doesn't believe us, Sara will fake crying and say that we all made this up to break them up and then he believes her anyway.

Yes but you are his best friend fine that he doesn't believe me but he still believes you.

Yes we can try but be disappointed if he doesn't believe us in the end.

Then we walked to the car and sat down, Pedri sat next to Adrianna and sat in the back of the car.

why did it take so long Adrianna said, couldn't you find the toilet?

Omg I completely forgot to pee, I got distracted.

By what did Adriana say.

By Sara I was looking for the toilet and then I heard something so went to check and then I saw her and a player from the other team and she was flirting with him and then they kissed.

What I knew that bitch was always fake.

We have to tell this to Pablo.

He's not going to believe us, said Pedri, you're right, said Adriana.

Come on guys if we don't try we never know I said.

Okay we can do it tonight Ferran is having a party and then we can say it to him, but you will do it Valentina not we said Adriana.

Okay fine but I'm not invited so I can't go there anyway I said.

Yes, we are friends, so you can just get in, said Pedri.

Okay I said.

We came up with a whole plan on the way to my house to tell Pablo that his girlfriend is cheating and prove it at the same time.

Okay so here's the plan:

Pedri and Adrianna come to pick me up with Alejandro and when we get to the party he sort of flirts with Sara and then hopes that he tries to kiss him and that Pablo sees that.

okay so my vacation is almost over im so sad i will not be abel to write a lot so ill try best to write a lot of drafts xx

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