Chapter 15

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I've tried so many times to talk to Valentina but she won't hear from me. I understand she's angry but I just want to apologize to her I now know I was wrong.

Even Aurora is angry with me, I can't focus on playing football anymore and everything is going wrong in my life right now and everything is due to me.

I had training today so I was getting ready Pedri would come to pick me up in 5 minutes.

He picked me up and now we are training on the field but I can't focus well. I think everyone noticed because everyone was looking at me very worried.

Xavi even said he wanted to talk to me after training.

After training:

We were done with training, Pedri said he would wait for me, I walked with Xavi to his office.

Pablo I don't know what's wrong with you but you're not yourself you know you can tell me anything that's bothering you maybe I can help you.

Thank you but there is really nothing, just had a bad day I said.

Okay if you say so but I do want to tell you one thing if it continues like this then unfortunately you can't play in the next game.

I already knew he was going to say this, So do your best I believe in you he said.

Yes thank you he said, I walked outside and saw that Pedri was waiting for me in the car.

I went in, and all right what did he say he asked.

He said that if I didn't try harder I wouldn't be allowed to play in the next game.

Pedri said very shocked, that's not possible we need you man, you have to try harder than he said.

DON'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING SO MUCH, ONLY THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK OF IS VALENTINA. I said very annoyed and completely freaked out at Pedri.

He didn't say anything but gave me a hug, I started crying, throw everything out said pedri.

it's just i feel super guilty all the time what i did and i really tried to say sorry to her only she wouldn't listen, and now i keep thinking about her and i can't focus on anything anymore. I can hardly sleep at night anymore.

What if I go talk to her, Pedri said, no I don't want that, she thinks I sent you because I didn't want to do it myself. okay if you say it and pablo try to talk about what you have to say don't cram it in you will feel better i'm always here for you he said. I am very thankful for him.

Pedri dropped me off at home, I'm now in my room figuring out how to try harder.

I had decided to get up early and to train more, even on days off. Then I decided to go to bed.

In the morning :

I got up early, everyone was sleeping I didn't want to wake them up so I did everything very quietly I didn't feel like breakfast so I skipped it.

1 week later:


2 days ago I had to go to the field early to discuss something with xavi when I saw him training on the field, I asked someone who works there how long he had been there and they said 7 hours he was training for 7 hours without eat without a break.

That's why he always looked super tired and had thick bags under his eyes, he also doesn't talk as much as before, he's not doing well.

So I decided to talk to Valentina maybe if she talked to him it would get better I know he said he would rather not but I am very worried about him.

I messaged her if we could talk and she said I could come to the cafe where she worked after 4 o'clock because then she was done.

Now I'm waiting for her in front of the cafe, I see her when she comes out.

Hey, would you like to sit inside and talk, it's easier to talk, so we're going inside.

So what do you want to talk about she said, I know you're not going to like this but I need to talk to you about this. It's about Pablo.

I don't want to talk about him she said she was about to get up and walk away until I said.

Please do it for me then, then she sat down with a sigh, okay I listen she said.

Pablo knows that Sara cheated and he felt super stupid and came to me and said sorry and he also tried many times to say sorry to you but you wouldn't listen to him. Last week we had training and he wasn't doing well and was not focust in training then Xavi wanted to talk to him and said if he continued like this he wouldn't be allowed to participate in the next game.

In the car he told me everything, he even cried because all he can think about is you, he feels super stupid , I said to him do you want me to talk to her he said no then she thinks I sent you because I didn't want to myself. And after that I saw that he is probably not doing well he has bags under his eyes looks tired, he trains 7 hours a day without a break without eating.You really need to talk to him, I know you're mad at him, but I also know you care, so talk to him.

Valentina POV:

What Pedri was saying to me was super bad he does all this because of me, he wanted to say sorry but I didn't want to hear from him I'm really bad.

I told Pedri that I was going to talk to him, he was very happy about that.He dropped me off at home and I told Adrianna everything, she also thinks I should talk to him. I  took a shower changed clothes and went to his house.

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