Chapter 16

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I'm walking to his house now, it's starting to rain great. What I hate the most is rain I always feel so dirty and I just had a shower.

I rang the doorbell and his mother opened, omg come in you are all wet she said, I walked in and saw his father and sister sitting on the couch.

Valentina what are you doing here honey did Pablo do something again his father said, no I'm actually coming for him, I saw that aurora got a smile.

Is he upstairs I said. No he left 10 minutes ago we don't know where because he doesn't answer his phone said his mother very worried. I'm glad you came because I don't know what's wrong with him he's not the same as before he's not smiling anymore don't talk to us anymore.

that's why i came here to talk to him i'm going now cuz i know i think where he is i said and left his mom wanted to give me an umbrella only i said i didn't have to because i was wet anyway but maybe I should have accepted it anyway because it starts to rain harder.

I walked to where I thought he could be, it was quite a walk.

I walked to a park where we used to play as a child and there he sat on the bench staring into space, he always came here when he needed to clear his head.

Every step I took I got more nervous, I don't know what to say to him anymore.

I stood in front of him but he didn't look at me. Hi I said and sat down next to him, it was quiet for a while neither of us dared to say anything until he said something.

what are you doing here? in the rain you hate rain he said. this time he looked at me.

Omg he remembers that I hate rain, looking for you duh I was just at your house only you weren't there so I went looking for you. I took his hand and got up.

Come on let's go home I said, he was still sitting on the couch and wouldn't get up.

It started to rain even harder, We really have to now.. I couldn't finish my sentence he hugged me his head on my stomach and hands on my waist, I'm very sorry he said and started to cry.

I put my hands on his head and ran my hands over his hair, No I'm sorry I shouldn't have ignored you, I know you wanted to say sorry I said.

He let go of me and I sat down next to him, I grabbed his face with my hands and looked at him, He did not look good indeed he had bags under his eyes and looked super tired.

Don't look at me like that, he said, what have you done to yourself, Pedri said you train too much and destroy yourself. I know what you think I only came here because Pedri told me to. But that's not right I'm here because I really care about you and you know it yourself it's literally raining.

He laughed, so you care about me he said. Yes of course you may be annoying and do stupid things but yes I do care about you.

You know for a second I thought I lost you forever and that you would hate me forever, I felt super guilty and couldn't concentrate on anything anymore and couldn't sleep well because all I thought about was you.

I've said things maybe I shouldn't have said I said I hate you but believe me I don't hate you it was just the moment and I was so mad, and your girlfriend was there which made it even worse.

Ex my ex I broke up with him he said.

Oh yes sorry your ex I said with rolling eyes.

Out of everyone you could get why she said I.

I don't know I thought she loved me and she was always there for me even on the most important day of my life when I signed a contract for Barcelona.

That's why I was a bit hurt too I think Pablo said.

Hurt what do you mean I said remember when we were little you promised you would be there on the most important day of my life I really hoped you would come but you never came.

Now I started to cry, I never knew he felt this way how could I forget. I'm sorry I said I never knew you felt this way, but you could have said that to me.

You hurt me too I was so happy to see you again but the first day you immediately insulted me and then you threw drinks on me.

Now we were both crying and hugging each other on the couch. until my phone rang someone called me it was Aurora. It's your sister I said. I picked up hello did you find him she said yes he is here next to me I said. give it to him she said.

Here she wants to talk to you, he took over the phone.

Hello yes, sorry, I already did, yes, okay bye.

He hung up and gave my phone.

Let's really go I took his hand because I was afraid he would stay there again, when it starts to thunder then you have to carry me home I said laughing.

Along the way we did not let go of each other's hand. Have you forgiven me he said, not yet I forgive you if you promise one thing promise me that from now on you will not train too much and eat on time and that from now on you will say everything to me what bothers you okay.

Okay those are 2 things, but i promise he said, okay then i will forgive you i said 

Okay so i'm happy that they finally made up, there are going to be a lot of chapters with them together now.

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