Chapter 14

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We need to talk Pedri said, about what did I say as if nothing was wrong.

Don't act like you don't know what we want to talk about, Adrianna said.

Come on valentina we are your friends you can't ignore us forever we are worried about you she said.

I sat down on the couch I know and I'm sorry I thought it was a good idea to ignore everyone but look now everything is better I feel much better now that Pablo is literally out of my life I need his girlfriend no longer to be seen or heard. And he told me I make everything worse, so that's why I thought it was better if I stopped seeing you guys. because Pedri your friendship with Pablo is literally not good right now because of me.

Pedri sighed and sat down next to me, listen you didn't do anything wrong and about Pablo it's good between us again, and that you don't want to see Pablo anymore we understand but what have we done you really hurt us he said.

I looked at him and then at Adrianna I saw she was almost crying, I went over and gave her a hug. I am very sorry from now on I will tell you everything and not try to push away. I went to Pedri and we did a group hug.

Okay bitch for this time we forgive you if you do that again you're dead Adrianna said.

Yes mother I said.

But what are you doing here really, I asked.

Oh yes we asked alejandro if he could lure you here so we could talk hehe Pedri said. Omg so this is not a date I said.

If you want a date so badly, tell him so pedri said winking at me.

But where is he I said.

He's upstairs in his room, he told us to call him when we finished talking.

Oh okay I'll go get it I said.

I went upstairs, I knocked.

Inside I said so I went inside.

Hi I said, hi he said back.

did you talk it out he said, he was on his bed with his phone.

Yes and it went well.

Luckily I was afraid you were going to yell at each other haha. and I'm sorry I lured you here, but it was Pedri's idea.

hahah it's all right and Pedri told me.

it was quiet for a while so have you ever liked someone he said out of the blue.

Uh what did I suddenly say laughing?

Yeah was just curious he said. Yes, I have ever liked someone I said and I asked you back.

Yes me too, may I know who that person is he said.

No I said it was a long time ago okay I'm over him I said. Now come down they are waiting for us.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to his bed, I'm not going until you tell me who it is he said.

His face was very close to mine and I was literally on him, come on say it he said, he took few tufts of hair off my face.

I was literally frozen and the next thing that happened his lips were on mine, he was kissing me, I grabbed his head and kissed him back.

It was a really nice moment, he pulled away and looked at me I was still in shock, he started laughing I was so embarrassed so I hid my head in his chest.

Then someone burst in.

Why is it taking so long, shit. It was Adriana.

When she stormed in I got up quickly from him and he also sat up, my whole face was red.

What were you doing she said with a grin.

Nothing at all said alejandro, yes what he said come let's go down I said and I quickly went down.

Pedri looked at me and said Why are you so red, what happened.

Nothing I'm just red from climbing the stairs I said that's really the dumbest thing I could ever think of.

Uhm okay yes sure he said I know he didn't believe me but he didn't say anything else.

Okay guys so from the next chapters i promise Pablo and Valentina are going to talk to each other it takes forever right hahah

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