ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ

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While (y/n) was rather sceptical, she still stood true to her promise towards her friend. Whenever she spotted Toko Fukawa, she would turn her head away, ignoring her whole existence. Even though she wanted to confront the female, Byakuya's words just wouldn't get out of her head.

'I feel like someone's watching me...' The (h/c) haired female grew nervous and looked around, though she didn't see anything. 'Maybe I'm just imagining things... I should just forget about that girl, she's making me become paranoid...' Shaking her head, she made her way towards the library of the school.

It wasn't like her at all. To ignore an issue, to suddenly feel scared. (Y/n) (l/n) had always been a person to immediately confront a problem, as well as the cause of it, no matter who or what it was. 'I don't like this at all... Hopefully a good book will make me feel better.'

She reached up to grab one of the books, only to freeze when she suddenly heard rustling in the distance. The female jumped, looking around. 'What the...? No one is in here, right? The library seemed empty when I came in.'

She wasn't able to spot anyone, making her even more anxious. As fast as she could, she put the book away, before running out of the room. 'Why am I running? Am I becoming a scaredy cat now? It's all Togami's fault! If he didn't tell me about her, I wouldn't be this paranoid...!'

In her panicked state, she locked herself in a bathroom stall, hoping to be able to catch her breath in there. A few moments passed, until she heard the door open, making her heart skip a beat. 'No, I have stop panicking...! This is a public restroom, after all!'

Nonetheless, she held her breath, waiting to hear footsteps. But those footsteps weren't happening. Whoever opened the door was still standing in its frame, holding open said entrance. 'What's wrong with that person? Can't I even calm down in peace? Or are they still debating if they really need to use the restroom?'

A few minutes passed until (y/n) finally got fed up. Her nerves were shot up, her state panicked. The thought of someone following her made her want to scream. Scream at the person to just finally leave her alone. She took a deep breath, then stood up and opened the door of the stall.

"Who are you and why are you..." She didn't finish her question, because no one was in the restroom. 'Am I going crazy...? I never heard the door close...' Her confusion was soon cleared when she looked at the door.

A small piece of paper was making sure that the door wouldn't close. 'No, I'm not going crazy... Someone was following me... They even made sure to vanish without letting me know... Someone's playing with me...' The (h/c) haired female threw the paper into a trash bin, then splashed her face with cold water.

'But who would make the effort to scare me like this? Have I ever done someone wrong? Not that I know of.' Her thoughts were racing. She just couldn't think of anyone who would dislike her enough to do all those things to her.

When she stepped out of the restroom, she spotted someone running in the distance. That someone had two long braids... Purple braids... 'No way...' Byakuya's words echoed through her mind. 'No way that girl is stalking me now! I did my best to ignore her!' She gulped. This wasn't going to be easy.

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