ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

455 20 7

(Y/n) groaned, rolling over in bed and trying to find her phone, while having her eyes closed. Her ringtone had woken her up. "How late is it...?" She didn't want to pick up her phone. Her inner clock told her that it was still way too early.

"Who would call me at... 3 am?" It was an unknown number, causing her to fully wake up. "Why would an unknown number wake me up at this time...? Who would...?" She gulped, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Her gut feeling told her that she shouldn't pick up.

'What if it is the stalker? The person that has been following me for the entire week?' She was scared. Scared to death, to be exact. 'If I pick up and it is a stalker that can track me, what do I do?' Her phone kept ringing, seemingly getting louder.

'Wait. No. That's dumb. If they were able to track me, they would already know everything. So what does it matter if I pick up the phone? In the end, they know where I live either ways, don't they?' The (h/c) haired female took another long, deep breath.

"Hello?" She held the phone against her ear, but didn't hear a single sound. "Hello? Is someone there?" Again, no answer, causing her to hang up again. "What the h-ll is going on? An unknown call, at 3 am, and no one answers? What's happening here?" She leaned back quietly.

"I should just go back to sleep. Panicking and speculating won't help anyone." Slowly, the female laid down again, making sure to put her phone far away from herself. 'No one will disrupt my sleep again.' When she was about to fall asleep again, her phone rang once more.

"What do you want?! What's wrong with you?! Why do you keep calling me?! I'm sick of this stalking sh-t! I swear, I will call the police if you don't stop this! You're a sick person! Why won't you leave me alone?!" (Y/n) was more than just upset as she screamed.

For a few seconds, rustling could be heard on the other end of the line. "What? So you don't want to see your friend again?" She froze. It was the same voice from the other day. The voice that had whispered into her ear from behind. 'This can't be...'

"Where... Where is he? What did you do to Byakuya?!" While she yelled at the mysterious person, she quickly jumped into some fresh clothes, running to the door of her home. "Do you know the old factory that is said to he haunted? I'll give you ten minutes!"

The laugh that followed the person's words made her shiver. How could someone be that cruel? "Alright..." After quickly hanging up, she called the police, informing them about everything she knew. And since it was a member of the Togami family, they immediately took the case seriously. "We will be there soon."

But the (h/c) haired student couldn't bother to wait, even though she knew how stupid and dangerous it was to go alone. Her feet seemed to have their own mind, carrying her towards the building as fast as they could. And what she saw made her let out a scream.

There he was. Byakuya had been tied to a chair, silenced by a piece of tape that was put over his mouth. "Togami! What the f-ck happened here?! Who did this?!" It made him yelp when she ripped off the tape. "You want to know who did it...?"

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