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"This should be of great help." Byakuya said, dropping a stack of books and files onto the table. The two friends had stayed in the library, and were now digging deeper into Toko Fukawa's second identity: Genocider Syo. "I do know a thing or two, since she told me."

The (h/c) haired female widened her eyes. "What do you mean? Why would she entrust you with a secret like that? Especially since you can't stand her! What was she thinking?" She only received a shrug as a reply. "I don't know either. One day, she just told me, out of the blue."

Crossing her arms, she leaned back in her chair. The expression on her face told him how suspicious she was. "She probably told you to keep it a secret, right? Or was she trying to scare you into not being mean anymore? What did she want?"

"To be honest, I don't know." He sighed. "She approached me one day, spilling her secret and then begging me to not tell a singe soul. Knowing that her and Genocider Syo are two different people, maybe she felt guilty about all these murders and needed to tell someone."

"That... Makes sense, I guess." (Y/n) slowly nodded, before reaching over and grabbing one of the books. "People wrote books about her?" She turned the object around to read the description. "Oh, you wouldn't believe how many of them there are. People are probably fighting over which one is the best."

"But... Here it says that it's a male murderer that only kills females. Females that he's attracted to. It sounds more like a twisted romance story, especially since he doesn't kill the female lead." Her eyebrows furrowed. "What kind of nonsense is that? Are people really romanticizing serial killers?"

Her voice showed the obvious disgust in her, making the blonde chuckle a little. "Unfortunately, yes. The public never really cared about Genocider Syo herself. They care about how she only killed males that she found attractive. Seems like that was a great base for many bad romance books."

Her eyes scanned over the giant stack of books. "Are all of these the same as this one? If so, I'll bring all of them back to the shelves." Byakuya shook his head. "No, not all of them. Many people also wrote about their loss of loved ones to that killer."

Another thing that was quite confusing to her. "Writing about and publishing the death of your loved one? I don't know how to feel about it... Then again, people have different ways to handle their grief... Though I still think that this was probably only written for profit."

"We aren't able to properly judge them." He took one of the books. "But these still hold valuable information about the person that's stalking you. I don't know why she would follow you in the first place. You're a female. She never killed a female before. What could her plan be?"

"Maybe she wants to use me as a bait to get to you. Maybe you are the victim, not me. The stalking to my own home seems a bit useless for that, though." His confused look made her raise her hands in surrender. "What? I mean, she has kidnapped you, after all."

"Yes, I obviously know that." He closed his eyes, thinking for a moment, before opening them again. "Alright. No matter what her motives are, we still need to find out more about her." His eyes met hers. "Let's not waste any more time than we already have. This is important."

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