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"What... What is this...?" (Y/n)'s voice grew shaky as soon as she picked up the small package. "Who put it here...?" Slowly, she looked around, afraid that someone was hiding in the dark. Well, there was someone hiding in the dark, but she wasn't able to see them.

"I hope she likes the present...!" Toko Fukawa whispered to herself, putting her hands against her red cheeks. "I put so much thought into it!" The purple haired female kept herself hidden behind some bushes, too shy to face her secret crush. "Come on, open it already, (y/n)...!"

And finally, the confused and scared female did open the box. "It's probably not the smartest idea to just open it..." She then mumbled to herself, loud enough for Toko to hear. 'What does she mean? Is she suspecting a bomb or something like that? I would never do that!"

"Should I call the police?" Her eyes widened. 'No, don't call the police! It was difficult enough to escape last time! I don't want to run like that again!' Internally, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy was starting to panick. 'Come on, why won't you just open it? I'm so extremely nervous!'

"Then again, this thing doesn't seem dangerous, right...?" Carefully, the (h/c) haired girl pulled on the ribbon, causing the box to open slightly. "Alright, I haven't been blown up yet. That's a good sign." Before she could finish unpacking, a shiver ran over her whole body. "Wow, it's really cold tonight..."

(Y/n) turned around and walked back into her home, taking the mysterious package with her. 'What?! No! Come back! I want to see her reaction to the present!' A few seconds later, the door opened again, making Toko's eyes light up. 'She's coming back outside!'

"I shouldn't keep a present from someone I don't know." Were her only words, before she dropped the package into the trash bin outside, entering her home once more. 'She just threw it away?! She can't do that! That present was expensive! And it took so long for it to be delivered!'

Like a madman, the purple haired female ran towards the big bin, opening it and digging through it. 'There it is!' She held up her present in triumph and sprinted back towards the house, knocking on the door as if she was trying to break in. 'I won't let her sleep until she opens this!'

The (h/c) haired female gasped, rapidly turning around and running back to the door, spying through the door viewer. No one. Not a single soul was outside of her door. 'I bet that the person disappears as soon as they hear my footsteps!'

Taking a deep breath, she looked through the door viewer again. That little box... It was back on her doorstep, making her jump back in fear. 'Who the f-ck is trying to scare me to death?! Who would think this is funny?! I swear, if I find the person who's doing this...'

(Y/n) sat down on her bed, listening to the knocking that began as soon as she reached her bedroom. Sleep wasn't for her at the moment. She was sure about the fact that - should she manage to fall asleep - she would have a nightmare and wake up again.

'This is sick... I need to do something about it... Maybe...' She thought for a few moments. 'Maybe I should install one of these security cameras. They're expensive, but I don't want to live in fear anymore.' Laying down, she closed her eyes. 'Yes, I will do that... Tomorrow.'

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