ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

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Byakuya looked around the library. It had been two weeks since the incident happened, and (y/n) was still not coming back to school. He just couldn't understand why. After all, he was the victim of the case. Why was she the one that was hiding away from everyone?

He had tried to talk to her about her issue, he really had. But she refused to tell him a single detail about what had happened while he was gone. It felt bad. Byakuya was the kind of person that didn't like it when secrets were kept from them.

Ironically, Toko wasn't coming to school anymore either. 'It would've been idiotic of her to continue stalking me, after everything that she did to me. I always thought she was rather stupid, though. Maybe I was wrong about that.' He pushed up his glasses, looking around the room one more time.

'And I never thought I would say this, but I do miss (y/n). I enjoyed our conversations quite a lot.' Slowly, he stood up. 'Maybe I should take a small walk to clear my mind. In the meantime, she has enough time to text or call me.'

While walking through the building and towards its exit, the blonde noticed that someone was following him. 'So she is in school. I thought she wasn't, since she seemed to leave me alone. And that's something very unusual for her. Why is she following me again, then? What's her goal? Does she want to kidnap me again?'

As unnoticeable as he could, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny pulled out his phone, sending a quick message to his friend. »I think Fukawa is following me again.« He didn't bother to tell her that she should contact him. That wouldn't work on her, anyways. She was still hiding.

To his surprise, he actually received a message back. In a matter of seconds, as if she had been waiting for him to text her. 'Why do I have the feeling that she's been on her phone the whole day? Doesn't that get boring after some time?'

»Really? Please be careful, maybe she's planning something again.« After that, she stopped replying to him once again. "What the...? Is she really this unwilling to talk about it...?" He mumbled, before sighing. 'Alright. I will have to take more drastic measures.' »Text me your address. I'm coming over.«

»What? Fine.« Byakuya knew that he had to get rid of the person following him. If he didn't, he would be putting his friend in danger. They would know where (y/n) lived, which was definitely an information that they shouldn't have any access to. He was completely sure about that.

"Stop following me." He said without turning around. The footsteps immediately stopped and a familiar gasp could be heard. "I will only be saying this once, Fukawa. I hope you take my warning seriously." Finally, he turned his head into the purple haired female's direction, looking into her shocked face.

"I-I..." As embarrassed and shy as always, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy could only nod and grab onto her braids. "Good. Oh, and one more thing." The blonde crossed his arms, pushing up his glasses once again. "If you try and come close to one of us once more..."

The dramatic pause he made seemed to be crushing her. "I will contact my family's lawyer and make sure to file a restraining order against you. Now get out of my sight." Watching her hurry off into one of the classrooms made him feel much more at ease. 'Finally, she's gone.'

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