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Colin felt suffocated, it was as if someone sucked his breath.  He gasped for air.  He was about to have another breakdown, he knew it.  He moaned…noo he didn't want to die just now that things were settling into place.
  “No…no..noo” he moaned and opened his eyes abruptly feeling something soft and warm and voluptuous upon him.  He saw a mountain of red hair, an ecstatic smile and a parted mouth that let out soft moans.
  "Oh God. Pen what are you doing?"  it was hard to breathe because he was making love to Penelope, or Penelope was making love to him, until a few seconds ago he was sleeping....or thought he was sleeping.
  "What I've been doing for 8 years now..I'm taking advantage of my husband" he panted Penelope moving a little faster.
  Colin was shocked…8 years…8 years…
  it was his life .. yes!  He had returned.  Or awakened.  He didn't know what had happened but at that moment he didn't care much since he was distracted by that sublime image of his wife ..
  Colin took her and overturned her on the bed, positioning himself on top of her, she smiled touching his face and imprisoning him between her legs, Colin lost control and with a lunge he tore a cry out of Penelope, Colin came after a while almost crying with pleasure and happiness.
  "Oh my God Colin.. We were quite noisy this morning.... Now we won't have a break.." Penelope said still breathing heavily.
  "What do you mean?"  Colin said trying to collect himself.
  Penelope got up putting on her nightgown.  She gestured to count down 3…2..1.
  The door flew open letting in 2 screaming children, a boy who jumped on Colin making him gasp for a moment and a girl more composed than the boy.
  "Dad, dad... Dad what are we going to do today?"
  Colin hugged him tightly and inhaled the scent of him…
  "Ohh my loves I missed you so much!"
  He also took her little girl with a mountain of red hair onto the bed and showered her with kisses
  "Dad you choke me!"  said the little girl
  “Ahh my young lady doesn't want my kisses… Then she wants my tickles…” Colin said tickling both babies.
  They screamed like eagles.  For a while'.
  "Come on children get up daddy has to get dressed" said Penelope
  "Why are you naked daddy?"  Thomas asked
  "Um because I was sleeping," Colin said looking at Penelope who was giggling.
  "But I have my pajamas and Agata is also my mother and why aren't you there?"
  "Already why isn't there I have it?"  said Colin "because....because"
  Penelope turned away laughing to tears.
  "Because dad ate in bed yesterday and got dirty, I scolded him because he doesn't eat in bed, right children?"
  "But dad always brings us biscuits when he comes to tell us stories before sleeping..." Agata said innocently.
  "Ahh yes?? Then we really have to punish this dad, don't you think?"  said Penelope.
  "Ouch ouch daddy..." Thomas said
  "Go and have breakfast, we'll arrive"
  And with the same fury with which they had entered, they came out.
  "How I've missed them, and how much I've missed you..." Colin said thoughtfully.
  "But Colin, are you sure you're okay? You haven't seen us since yesterday... It seems like it's been weeks for you," she said sitting down next to him.
  Colin hugged her.
  "I love you to death Penelope, I'll make a better husband, I promise you."
  "Did you do something you want to tell me?"  said Penelope looking at him sideways.
  "No my love, but I've made a decision... I'll write a book, actually 3, I'll tell my travels... you'll be proud of your husband"
  "But I'm already proud of you!... More books?"  said Penelope looking at him "How nice, I didn't know you had other diaries!"
  "More books?"  Colin said
  "Yes, you've already written 3... you see, they're there next to my 2. And what will they be about?"
  Colin got up completely naked and went to get his books.
  “An Englishman in Cyprus, an Englishman in Greece, an Englishman in Italy…ohh my god….ohh” he said leafing through them.
  "Colin you really make me worry...."
  "No....I...I'm just a little confused this morning. And your books..." he said looking in fascination at "The Collection of Chronicles of Lady Whistledown" and "Miss Upholstery's Diary" Colin turned around towards his wife and went to embrace her.  And then he kissed her.
  "Colin you're naked, don't you want to scandalize those who work for us?"  he said showing that the door was still open.
  Colin went to close the door and turned to Penelope.
  "First I'm going to put a big bolt on this door…and second I want to double check if my wife tastes the way I remember, I'm a bit confused this morning" he said sliding Penelope's nightgown to the floor.
  "Colin, you're terrible," Penelope laughed.

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