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Cw: insomnia, slight swearing, trauma, hallucinations, descriptive nightmares,

Hermitcraft season 7. Grian is an avian/ Pesky bird.

3rd pov:
Grian was working on his mansion late at night, as usual, when he felt his communicator in his pocket vibrate. Confused Grian pulled it out sitting on his makeshift scaffolding. It was a message from the owner of the server himself, Xisuma or in his case X-eye-Zoom-a, it said that their would be a server meeting in the morning, he said it was mandatory. Sighing he put his communicator away climbing down his scaffolding. Many people who would see this would think he was going to head in for the night, but Grian was doing the opposite, he was going to do work inside after he fed his cats and his pesky birds of course. He put his headphones in and started to build the inside, listening to music as he sung aloud knowing no one was awake to hear him.

~When he finished the main part he checked the time, it was 4am, Smiling that he was productive this time he left the mansion and walked to his hobbit hole to transport a few more items into his item sorter he spent 2 days doing, then he had Mumbo check it over. After his inventory was packed he walked back, your probably wondering why is he walking and not flying well he got more time to listen to his music or whatever audio book he happened to me listening to plus walking in the jungle was peaceful to him and it makes it so people couldn't see him if they happen to pass by. Smiling Grian made his way downstairs to the sorter.

Once Grian finished he wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve letting out a breath he didn't know he had. He checked the time, 5:21am shocked he flew over to his hobbit hole and into his bathroom, looking at his face he sighed deeply grabbing the makeup from his medicine cabinet above the sink putting the concealer under his eyes blending it properly and putting light lip gloss over his overly chapped lips. Grian didn't mind putting makeup on but he hated the way he learned. The best way to describe it is with one word. Sam. He had done many things to him. Of course he was lucky that the things he was covering weren't open wounds. One of the girls looked suspicious but I don't think she cares about the fact it's makeup.


Grian flew to the meeting spot seeing Doc and Mumbo were there first and they were talking to X. X noticed Grian and soon after the other 2 did as well. Waving him over to come talk to them, Grian smiling brightly walked over to the group. "Hey G, how have you been?" Doc asked for the other 2. "Oh I've been great, getting lots done on my mega build!" Grian answered with excitement. The answer made the other 3 smile at the bird hybrid. "How have you 3 been?" Grian continued. They all answered and they joked and laughed while waiting for the others to get there. Grian sat on the stage while the others sat in the front row chairs. They laughed and continued talking. That was until Doc yawned loudly apologizing afterwards. Shocked Grian knew that means everyone was going to yawn. Grian hated yawning it made him look more tired and it was loud. But it was inevitable he yawned after Mumbo and X did after him. They laughed at sequence of yawning. Grian from then on was more nervous, but he faked being fine and normal.

10 minutes later they saw the last person get there, of course it was scar, but nonetheless they began the meeting and Grian hopped off the stage and sat in the chair where X sat prior. X standing on the stage and started the meeting. "Ok, so today's meeting is very important." This shocked and confused the other hermits. "Someone in the group isn't getting enough sleep and the code is messed up although I can't tell who they are. If you don't want to do this the hard way then please speak up." Grian was shocked and was starting to get desperate so he raised his hand for a question. "X, I have a question." X looked and nodded for him to continue. "Well what if the person is too nervous or embarrassed heck even scared to speak up aloud because insomnia can be serious, but what if they think something that we don't think at all?" X looked at Grian with a puzzled face. "Ah then you can message me in private." Doc raised his hand X nodded to him. "What if they need time plus it'll give us time to see who they are." X nodded in agreement and decided to give the group a whole day for the insomniac to message him. But not before checking. "Well if no one comes forward tonight then I will call everyone again tomorrow morning for another mandatory meeting. In the meantime Doc, Mumbo, and Grian do you think you can help me with something?" The 3 nodded as everyone started to leave one by one. Grian less desperate stood up and skipped over to X in makeshift hyperness. "What'd you need X?" Doc asked. "Well I wanna do the thing you said Doc see if we can find the insomniac before tonight so if they don't come forward or lie with the hard way then we can help them before it's too late." X explained to the trio. "Ok but why us and no one else?" Mumbo asked the other 2 nodding in agreement. "Well Mumbo and Doc because you are the more techy people on the server and Grian because he has been a server manager several times before." X said. The 2 redstoners looked at the small avian in surprise. "You were a server owner?" Doc said. Grian nodding in nervousness before responding. "Yeah but the server got deleted before I joined hermitcraft and another was short so it was less than a year it was before this season actually." Grian said kicking the dirt in embarrassment. Grian flushed lightly but looked back up in amazement to X. "But I of course will help but I'm a bit rusty." The other 3 chuckled at the small avian and they got to work.

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